- Are typical species of tropic area. 那可是典型的热带树种。
- Tradition of Tropic Areas 热带区域传统
- Latitude 25N, has the obvious characteristic of tropic area. 北纬25度临近于北回归线,具有明显的回归带特征。
- They still follow the tradition of their fathers. 他们仍然继承著他们祖先的传统。
- The tradition of noblesse oblige. 贵族行为理应高尚的传统。
- Being the seaman is the tradition of his family. 当海员是他家世代相传的职业。
- First, the tradition of solidarity and unity. 一是团结统一的传统。
- The company has a long tradition of fine design. 这家公司的优秀设计历史悠久。
- Fine tradition of caring for all forms of life. 纳西族人爱护生物的传统。
- Did China Have a Tradition of General Education? 中国有通识教育传统吗?
- This restaurant has a tradition of eighty years. 这家餐厅有80年的历史了。
- Following the sea is the tradition of his family. 他家世代当海员。
- The key research areas include: the process of tropic ocean environmental dynamics, the sustainable development of tropic ocean living resources, etc. 研究重点领域:热带海洋环境动力过程、热带海洋生物资源可持续利用等。
- The tradition of lobola was a matter of pride. “新娘彩礼”的传统实际上是一个尊严的问题。
- Where is the chinese tradition of humbleness? 在哪里是中国传统礼貌谦逊?
- Angiosperm pollen flora of tropic and subtropic China. 中国热带亚热带被子植物花粉.
- Fonteyn represents the best traditions of ballet. 芳廷承袭了芭蕾舞艺术的最优秀的传统
- This tradition of guaranteeing anonymity began to develop quickly. 这种担保匿名的传统便开始迅速扩展开来。
- The assemblage types of benthic foraminifera in the coral reef area of the South China Sea Islands are the representative of tropic ocean coral reef areas in the South China Sea. 南海诸岛礁区的底栖有孔虫组合是南海热带海洋礁区的代表。
- It was an ancient and honourable tradition of his office that each new Mayor should receive his insignia from his predecessor at a ceremony held in the town square. 这是他办公室的老传统:每一个任新市长都要在市广场举行的仪式上,从他的前任手中接过市长标志。