- Trade Mark Agency of CCPIT 中国国际贸易促进委员会商标代理处
- Wang started her IP career in Patent Agency of CCPIT in 1984 and was qualified as a Chinese patent attorney in 1985. 1984年开始在中国贸促会专利代理部从事涉外知识产权代理工作。
- Wang was Deputy Director of Patent Application Department of Patent Agency of CCPIT from 1987 to 1991. 1987年至1991年任中国贸促会专利代理部申请二处副处长。
- Patent agency of ccpit. 中国国际贸易促进委员会专利代理处。
- Rocks are worn smooth through the agency of water. 岩石由于水的作用而变得光滑。
- Iron is melted by the agency of heat. 铁由于热能的作用被融化。
- , LTD. respectively.From 1991 to 1992, she also studied Patent Law as a senior visiting scholar in Japan Miyoshi International Patent Office and Sugimura International Patent &Trade Mark Agency. 1991年至1992年作为高级访问学者在日本三好内外国际特许事务所和杉村万国特许事务所交流学习。
- What's your opinion on the trade mark ? 商标问题,你们怎么考虑?
- Through the agency of friends he was set free. 由于朋友的奔走,他得以释放。
- What's youropinion on the trade mark? 商标问题,你们怎么考虑?
- We should protect ownership of trade marks. 我们应该保护商标权。
- I want to register a trade mark. 我想给商标注册。
- An example is the best agency of instruction. 实例是最好的说明手段。
- What's your opinion on the trade mark? 商标问题,你们怎么考虑?
- Is it possible to have a trade mark transferred? 是否有可能转让商标?
- Every story's got a trade mark Bradbury twist. 每个故事都贴上了布雷德伯里怪诞的标签。
- patent agency of ccpit 中国国际贸易促进委员会专利代理处
- The registered trade mark is:"JEA". 年设计生产能力2万吨。
- They had transacted business by the agency of a broker. 他们通过中间人做交易。
- Mr.Kang also is a vice-chairman of CCPIT Conciliation Center. 还兼任中国国际贸易促进委员会调解中心副主席。