- So far, the South Koreans at the mention of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the teeth around world. 至今,韩国人一提到丰臣秀吉,莫不咬牙切齿。
- This mass conversion began to make Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the ruler of Japan, afraid that the missionaries were paving the way for colonisation. 这种大规模的改宗开始使得日本当时的统治者丰臣秀吉(1536-1598)担心这些传教士们正为殖民化铺平道路。
- Toyotomi Hideyoshi [Japan, 1536-1598] 丰臣秀吉[日]
- Toyotomi Hideyoshi 丰臣秀吉(1536-98),日本人,战国末期统一全国的将领。
- "Toyotomi Hideyoshi's division of society into four fixed classes was preserved, and the samurai (military) class became the civil Bureaucrats, its members paid with stipends of rice." 丰臣秀吉还将民众分为四个固定的社会等级,而武士阶级成为日本的国家官僚,并定期配发薪俸。
- At an early age the boy was briefly adopted by the national unifier Hideyoshi Toyotomi as a son and heir, but separated from this relationship after Hideyoshi sired his own. 早龄男童被简单地通过了国家统一丰臣秀吉作为一个儿子和继承人,但分开后,这种关系丰臣秀吉sired自己。
- He kills Natsuhi, Kyrie, George, Hideyoshi and Jessica, . ),因为整个第一晚的工程太大了。
- Leadership emerges under Nobunaga, Hideyoshi (fascinating personality) and Ieyasu begins the rigid the Tokugawa era (1603 - 1867). 战国时代群雄割据政局纷乱,织田信长,丰田秀吉,德川家族相继崛起。
- Tokugawa Ieyasu was the most powerful man in Japan after Hideyoshi had died in 1598. 1598年HIdeyoshi去世,德川幕府成为日本最有势力的人。
- The ancient Korea existed in a slavery and primitive society for most of the time.That is why;the Japanese invaders led by Toyotomi Hediyoshi were welcomed by Korean slaves as liberators. 奴隶对主人是仇恨的,但同时也有下意识的崇拜,所以韩国人几乎什么东西都抄袭日本.;但从来不承认;把别人的东西说成是自己的是韩国人特有的习惯
- Aug. 5, five will be old Hideyoshi (Tokugawa Ieyasu, Maeda, Maori Yuan-hui, Ukita show, Uesugi Jing-sheng) summoned to the bedside and kept saying: "Please show you care must rely on. 八月五日,秀吉将五大老(德川家康、前田利家、毛利辉元、宇喜多秀家、上杉景胜)叫到床边,不停地说:“拜托各位一定要照顾秀赖。”
- Yanagisawa, Hideyoshi and Fukuda, Shuichi, “Interactive Reduct Evolutional Computation for Aesthetic Design,” Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol.5, pp.1-7, 2005. 陈奕仲,”应用遗传演算法于电脑辅助数位相机造形设计”,成功大学工业设计研究所硕士论文,2004。
- Hideyoshi would want to talk about and, on September 1, 1596 to see out the credentials to make that read letters to King Hideyoshi of Japan, and Japan as a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty. 秀吉本来想要谈和,但是1596年9月1日看到明使的国书,上面写著要封秀吉为日本国王,并将日本当作明朝的属国。
- Toyotomi Hideyori 丰臣秀赖(1563-1615),日本人,安土桃山时期的武将。
- Toyotomi Hidetsugu 丰臣秀次(1568-95),日本人,官员。
- Toyotomi 丰福(名,日本)
- Nakajima Hideyoshi 中岛秀吉(1885-1968),日本人,雕刻师。
- Morinaga Hideyoshi 森永荣悦(1924-),日本人,社会党中央执行委员。
- Hirose Hideyoshi 广濑秀吉(1918-),日本人,众议员。
- Hideyoshi 秀吉(姓,日本)