- Touton type giant cell 图东型巨大细胞(黄瘤内含脂质的吞噬细胞)
- Touton type giant cell reaction Touton型巨细胞反应
- Seen here are two Langhans type giant cells in which the nuclei are lined up around the periphery of the cell. 图示两个朗格汉斯巨细胞,其细胞核沿着细胞周围排列。
- Giant cells are a "committee" of epithelioid macrophages.Seen here are two Langhans type giant cells in which the nuclei are lined up around the periphery of the cell. 巨细胞是类上皮细胞的融合体,图示两个巨细胞,核在细胞周围排成一列。
- Here is a foreign body type giant cell at the upper left of center adjacent to a segment of vegetable material aspirated into the lung.Such foreign body giant cells have nuclei scattered haphazardly about the cell. 图示中央一个随着呼吸进到肺的植物材料,其左上方有一异物巨细胞,其核随机地散在分布。
- Langhans type giant cell reaction Langhans型巨细胞反应
- Giant cell tumors are lytic on radiography. 骨巨细胞瘤放疗后可溶解。
- Diffuse type giant cell tumour 弥漫型巨细胞瘤
- Giant cell (temporal) arteritis is uncommon before age 50. 巨细胞动脉炎(颞动脉)在50岁以前较少见。
- Purpose:To research the radiodiagnosis of giant cell tumor of bone. 目的:探讨骨巨细胞瘤X线诊断。
- Frequent osteoclast-like giant cells are present. 常见破骨样巨细胞。
- Subsequent pathological examination indicated a histiocytic proliferation positive for CD68 and factor VIII, and negative for CD1a and S100, with Touton giant cells characteristic of ECD. 其后的病理检查表现出ECD特征性的组织细胞增生:CD68和VIII因子阳性,CD1a和S100阴性,伴Touton巨细胞。
- All giant cell tumors appear to be located at or near the foramen of Monro. 所有的巨细胞瘤均位于或者临近孟氏孔。
- Two small spherules of Coccidioides immitis are seen in the giant cell. 巨细胞内可见到两个粗球孢子菌小球。
- This is a radiograph of a giant cell tumor involving the left ischial ramus. 左坐骨支的骨巨细胞瘤X线图。
- Note the giant cells which are part of the viral cytopathic effect. 注意巨细胞,它是细胞病理效应的一部分。
- AIM:To investigate the relationship between the expression of urokinase type plasminogen activator(u PA) mRNA in giant cell tumors of bone(GCT) and pathological grading and recurrence of GCT. 目的:研究骨巨细胞瘤(giantcelltumorofbone,GCT)组织尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂(urokinase-typeplasminogenactivator,u-PA)系统mRNA的表达与GCT病理分级和复发的关系。
- The macrophages organize into committees called giant cells. 此种细胞融合成团,称巨细胞。
- Giant cells are a "committee" of epithelioid macrophages. 巨细胞由多个上皮样细胞融合而成。
- The term "giant cell" is applied to polykaryons found in association with a variety of inflammations. “巨细胞”词应用于种种炎症中发现的多核体。