- Tout mtier doit rapporter. 行行出状元。
- He is in rapport with his pupils. 他与学生关系很好。
- Father and son have a great rapport. 父子情深。
- I told him tout court that his services were not required. 我简单地告诉他不需要他的帮助。
- A ticket tout offered me a two pound ticket for ten pounds. 票贩子索价十镑向我兜售原价两镑的票子。
- The actor developed a close rapport with his audience. 该演员与观众建立了密切的关系。
- Her tout ensemble positively kills one. 她的外貌从整体上看确实使人着迷。
- I'd like to doit but I don't know how to. 我倒是愿意做,但不知怎么做。
- We should tout our wares on television. 我们应该在电视上兜售商品。
- The speaker was en rapport with his audience. 演讲者与听众彼此心会意通。
- I don't care a doit what he does. 我对他干的事毫不放在心上。
- You should doit for your own good. 为了你自己你应该这样做。
- Just doit ,let it be and Never say never. 度过了一个艰苦期,今天也平静许多。
- She has an excellent rapport with her staff. 她跟她职员的关系非常融洽。
- Le chapeau gris ne va pas du tout avec votre teint. 灰帽子和您的脸色一点都不配。
- If you would only try, you could doit. 只要你肯尝试,你一定能做这件事。
- Mutual attraction or sympathy; rapport. 相互吸引或意气相投;融洽关系.
- They addressed him "Bishop" tout court. 他们对他只是称“主教”
- Her tout ensemble positivelykills one. 她的外貌从整体上看确实使人着迷。
- Establishes rapport with people easily. 能与他人迅速地建立起良好的关系。