- Tourism industrial networks 旅游产业网络
- We should work on improving our tourism industry. 我们应该努力改进我们的旅游业。
- It works in partnership with the tourism industry. 它与爱尔兰旅游工业是合作关系。
- How Spain Develops Its Tourism Industry? 西班牙如何发展旅游业?
- Tourism Industry Thrives in China! 中国旅游业:怎一个热字了得!
- I would like to work in the tourism industry. 我想从事旅游业的工作。
- The NCAP uses an ARM processor to control STIM and process data from STIM.NCAP can also communicate with variable industrial networks. 在网络适配器中使用ARM处理器对智能变送器接口模块进行控制并对传来数据进行处理,且与各种工业网络进行通信。
- Chapter two, an analysis on the status of development of the tourism industrial clusterin Tumen River Growth Triangle. 第二章,分析图们江增长三角旅游产业集群发展状况。
- An elevator group control system(EGCS) based on industrial network is introduced. Three-layer networks of EtherNet/IP. ControlNet. 介绍了基于工业网络的电梯群控系统,该系统采用三层网络结构即以太网(EtherNet/IP)、控制网(ControlNet)、设备网(DeviceNet)完成电梯群控,实现了多电梯运行优化控制及数据监控。
- Hong Kong's travel and tourism industry faced challenges in1997. 对本港旅游业来说,一九九七年是充满挑战的一年。
- With the selection of pluggable SFP modules, care needs to be taken that these are also designed for the operating conditions of industrial networks. 除选择可插拔的SFP模块,还需注意这些也是为工业网络的操作条件特别设计。
- In opening up,Tibet's tourism industry has gradually flourished. 在对外开放中,西藏的旅游业开始逐步发展起来。
- Hong Kong's travel and tourism industry faced challenges in 1997. 对于香港旅游业来说,一九九七年是充满挑战的一年。
- This acquisition positions Belden uniquely to serve customers who desire to integrate their industrial networks with their enterprise networks. 这一收购使得百通成为整合工业网络和企业网络的唯一服务商。”
- The frogs also are affecting the tourism industry in Hawaii. 小小的考齐蛙还让夏威夷的旅游业颇受打击。
- HARTING, founded in 1945, is the global connector production and industrial network technology leader. HARTING成立于1945年,是全球连接器生产及工业网络科技的领导者。
- In opening up, Tibet's tourism industry has gradually flourished. 在对外开放中,西藏的旅游业开始逐步发展起来。
- Where Is the Core Competitivencess of Urban Tourism Industry? 城市旅游业的核心竞争力在哪里?
- Who represent a broad cross-section of the tourism industry. 广泛代表旅游业内不同的界别。
- The third chpater focuses on the network management. It includes the SNMP management model, SMI and the function of industrial network management. 第三章主要介绍网络管理的基本概念、基于SNMP工业以太网网管系统组成和功能,分析并比较了现有的几种基于不同协议的网络拓扑发现算法。