- Tourism consumer behavior 旅游消费者行为
- Effective marketing can only come about from understanding consumer behavior. 有效的市场营销就在于要了解消费者的行为方式,
- Engel, J.F., R.D.Blackwell and P.W.Miniard (1995) Consumer behavior, 8 th ed. , Dryden Press,王志刚、谢文雀译(1995)消费者行为学,华泰书局,台北。
- Currently lecturing in the following courses: Management, Marketing, International Marketing, Consumer Behavior. 现主要从事管理学、市场营销、国际市场营销、消费者行为学等课程教学。
- Consumption experience affect consumer behavior greatly,it has got attentions by the researchers in recent years. 消费体验是消费者在消费过程中所产生的心理感觉和情感反应,它极大地影响着人们的消费行为。
- Lu Peng's trump card to attract business Taobao is currently owned by a large consumer behavior data. 路鹏吸引商家的杀手锏则是淘宝目前所拥有的庞大消费者行为数据。
- Schiffman, L. G., &Kanuk, L. L. (2007). Consumer Behavior (7 th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. 消费者行为心理学(初版)(游恒山译)。台北:五南。(原著出版于:1990年)
- Enger, F. J., Blackwell, R. D. and Kollat, D. T., Consumer Behavior, 3rd ed., 1978. 交通部观光局,台湾地区温泉资源简介,交通部观光局,民70.
- Katona had studied the psychological foundation of consumer behavior, especially anticipation's forming. 对消费者行为的研究有微观和宏观之分。
- Tinkering around with elements of consumer behavior won't deliver the changes we need. 修修补补的内容围绕消费者的行为将不会带来我们所需要的变化。
- Enger, F. J., Blackwell, R. D. and Kollat, D. T., Consumer Behavior, 4th ed., 1982. 屈立文,阿里山森林铁路游客行为及市场区隔分析之研究,成功大学都市计画研究所硕士论文,民86.
- Engel, J. F., et al. (1984). Consumer Behavior, 2nd ed, Rinehart and Winston Inc.. 国立体育学院体育研究所硕士论文。
- The paper analyzes the ways and mechanism of externality of green consumer behavior based on the externality theory of economics. 摘要本文运用经济学中的外部性原理,分析消费者购买绿色产品行为的外部性表现形式和形成机制。
- This research measured and compared the consumer behavior, brand identity impressions of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in China and the United States. 通过对中美两国大学生(n=795)的调查,测量和比较了两国年轻消费者对肯德基(KFC)的消费行为、品牌印象和重购意愿。
- This paper establishes a new CSI model based on the present studies in combination with the characteristics of consumer behavior in china. 本文在已有研究的基础上,结合我国消费者行为的特点,构建了一种新型顾客满意度指数测评模型。
- In this paper, we analyze the consumer behavior and market equilibrium in oligopolistic industry under nonlinear pricing. 摘要本文主要分析非线性定价下寨头垄断行业的消费者行为和市场均衡。
- Key word: Female college students, consumer behavior, consumer psychology, consumption structure and consumption attitudes. 关键词:女大学生消费行为消费心理消费结构消费态度。
- Hawkins, D. I., Best, R. J., and Coney, K. A. (2001), Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy. New York: McGraw Hill. 萧富峰(1990)。行销组合读本。台北:远流图书出版公司。
- Corresponding to the individualization and diversification of consumer behavior, retailing is constantly reinvented itself. 相对应的个性化与多样化的消费行为,零售,是不断改造自己。
- The research on marketplace metacognition and social intelligence is being one of the new trends on consumer behavior research. 对市场元认知和市场社会智力的研究正在成为消费者行为研究的新趋势之一。