- Developing Japanese Tourism Market by Making Use of the Tourism Resources in Xinjiang Province 凭借新疆旅游资源 开拓日本游客市场
- Tourism Resources in Xinjiang 新疆旅游资源
- Tourism resources in Liaoxi Corridor Region are plentiful. 辽西走廊地区旅游资源丰富,文化品位高。
- This paper evaluates the tourism resources in Anqing, and gives some development strategies. 文章对安庆市旅游资源进行评价,并提出其开发对策。
- Land resources in Xinjiang have absolute priority in existing variety and quantity as well as inferiority in low transformation efficiency. 新疆土地资源种类、数量具有存量的绝对优势和转化效率低下劣势并存的明显特征。
- Lijiang, Yunnan NT's tourism resources in Yunnan Province are the most enriched in one place. 丽江所处的滇西北地区是云南省旅游资源最为富集的地方之一。
- There are many individual tourism resources in Hejin City,but now tourism industry does not start to operate. 河津市旅游资源独特而丰富,但是旅游业并未启动。
- The abundant tourism resources in China can be divided into several series from different angles using different methods and standards. 中国丰富的旅游资源可以用不同的方法和标准从不同的角度划分为若干系列。
- Tell us your experiences in Xinjiang. 给我们谈谈你在新疆的情况。
- There are abundant tourism resources in Lengshuijiang, with very special physiognomy, beautiful scenery, hills, caves, and spring. 冷水江市地形地貌奇特,自然风光旖旎,有山有洞,有水有泉,旅游资源十分丰富。
- Coal resources in Xinjiang enjoy not only abundance, but also competitive price: the price of coal from Xinjiang is around half the price quoted by other provinces. 新疆不仅煤多,价格也便宜,煤炭价格约为外省一半。
- Mazu culture is a particular humane tourism resource in Fujian Province. 妈祖文化是福建重要的人文旅游资源。
- She related some of her experiences in Xinjiang. 她讲了讲自已在新疆的一些经历。
- The modes of development of sports tourism resources in Guangdong include the modes of reproducible development and modes of initiative development. 摘要从再生性开发模式和初始性开发模式两方面对广东体育旅游资源的开发进行探讨。
- Karst tourism resources in China are abundant, and distributed in different karst areas with these characters of centrality, otherness and territory. 摘要中国岩溶旅游资源类型丰富,分布于不同的岩溶区域,具有集中性、差异性和地区性等空间分布特征。
- The sixth part probed into establishing the management information system of tourism resources in LTC, and the designing program was proposed. 第六部分对兰州旅游圈旅游资源管理信息系统的建立进行了初步的探索,并提出了相应的设计方案,以期抛砖引玉。
- Tea culture is a characteristic tourism resource in Fujian Province. 摘要茶文化是福建独具特色的旅游资源。
- The water resource in XinJiang has the characteristic such as maldistribution and complicate composition. 新疆水资源具有分布不均、成分复杂等特点。
- Unmovable Surface cultural relics belong to cultural landscapes in the research of Cultural Geography Science.They are also important cultural and tourism resources in a city. 摘要地上不可移动文物属于文化地理学研究的文化景观,同时也是城市重要的文化资源和旅游资源。
- The particularity and development conditions of tourism resources in the Jiuyi Mountain are analyzed in the paper, and the deep development strategy for tourism is discussed. 摘要从分析九嶷山旅游资源特质和开发现状着手,对九嶷山旅游深度开发策略进行了探讨。