- Total sugar content of AFG-1 and NFG-1 was58.92% and 84.93% determined by phenol-sulphate acid method, respectively. Mw/Mn为1.;18;说明亚麻籽胶的分子大小较均一;
- Except in T1, the starch content in all treatments increased gradually, and the total sugar content increased first but decreased then. 除T1外,各处理在打顶后的淀粉含量逐渐升高,总糖含量则呈现上升后又逐步下降的变化,至打顶后30d,淀粉和总糖含量均以T6最高,T1最低;
- Along with the postpone of harvesting time, the reductive sugar content and total sugar content showed a decreasing tendency. 随首次刈割时期推后,两种牧草的还原糖和总糖含量均呈逐渐减小趋势。
- Total sugar content determination of seaweed polysaccharide by anthrone spectrophotometric methods under room temperature was studied in this paper. 本文报道了在室温下用蒽酮分光光度法测定海藻多糖总糖的含量。
- The sugar-removing milk has the features of low lactose content and low total sugar content, and is suitable for patient of lactose intolerance and diabetics. 具有低乳糖、低总糖的特点,适宜于乳糖不耐症和糖尿病患者使用。
- The results show that the grape resources have diversity in shape and average weight of bunch and berry, total sugar content, total acid content, color of skin, firmness of flesh, particular flavor. 结果表明,在葡萄果穗形状、果穗大小、果粒形状、果粒大小、果粒重量、可溶性总糖含量、总酸含量、果实颜色、果肉硬度和香味等方面均存在丰富的遗传多样性。
- With a total sugar content of around 38%, the custard apple is not a low calorie fruit.People who need to keep tabs on their blood sugar levels should especially avoid eating too much. 释迦所含的总糖度佔了果实的38%25左右,是热量不低的水果,尤其以需要控制血糖的人,要特别控制食用的量。
- The total sugar content of SPG-1, SPG-2, SPG-3, and SPG-4 was 97.32, 92.54, 76.65, 99.14% respectively and their contents of protein was 2.15, 6.83 , 22.36, 0.43% respectively. 甘薯糖蛋白4个级分SPG-1、SPG-2、SPG-3、SPG-4中总糖含量分别为:97.;32,92
- For cv.Ligeer 87-5,3.0 g/L sodium chloride treatment most significantly increased the fruit yield and compression tolerance,and increased total sugar content,fruit firmness and contents of reducing sugar and vitamin C. 对品种里格尔87-5;3.;0 g/L NaCl处理使产量和果实硬度极显著提高;果实耐压力、可溶性总糖、还原糖和Vc含量增加;
- Determination of total sugar content in food stuff rich in fat 富含脂肪食品总糖含量的测定
- As RSP-2 is the primary part of RSP-R, its protein and total sugars contents are79.23% and 13.88% respectively. RSP-2为主要成分;其蛋白质含量是79.;23%25;总糖含量是13
- Pretreatment and Determination of Total Sugar Content in Plant Samples 植物试样中总糖量的预处理及光度法测定
- Measurement of Total Sugar Content by Anthrone Reagent in Soybean Whey Waste Water 蒽酮比色法测定大豆乳清废水中总糖含量
- This chocolate drink has a very high sugar content. 这种巧克力饮料的糖含量很高。
- The amount of total sugar, Glu,VB2 and calcium was relatively high. 其中:总糖、谷氨酸、VB2、钙含量较高。
- Soluble sugar content in creased continuously remarkably. 可溶性糖含量明显持续增加。
- The content of amylose and total sugar in 101# bred hybrid new specie is obviously higher than that in qude mansiella radicata, a little lower than flammulina velutips. 杂交新品种101%23鲜菇中多糖和总糖含量明显高于茶菇的含量,稍低于金针菇的含量。
- Determination on total sugar contents in Avermectins fermented liquid by different methods 应用不同方法测定阿维菌素发酵液中的总糖含量
- Whereas the total soluble sugar content was higher in the FL than that in the NFL. 结果表明:在花衰败前,有花枝Pn明显低于无花枝,但可溶性糖含量却高于无花枝。
- The yield increases over 15%, and the sugar content slightly increases. 甜菜块根产量增加15%25以上,含糖率略有提高。