- Torii Kiyonaga 鸟居清长(1753-1815),日本人,浮世绘画家。
- Torii building solemn, beautiful color harmony. 牌坊的建筑庄重、美观,色彩调和。
- The hill door of Yan Peak is a stone torii. 回雁峰景区是集锦式的古典园林。
- How big is the Torii of Yasukuni Shrine? 靖国神社大鸟居有多架势?
- Did you see the small red torii gate (shrine gate ) ? 你见到那座小型的红色牌坊---鸟居了吗?
- Main: Torii, Pavilion, Person and Animal Sculpture, etc. 主营:牌坊,亭子,人物雕塑,动物雕塑等
- Vintage Japanese B/W Picture Postcard, Itsukushima, Big Torii Gate.Itsukushima. 安艺严岛百八之迴廊大鸟居.
- Pass through the big torii, the next door is "The South Gate of Meijijingu". 跟20岁的可人儿来个大合照,大家也很开心呢,祝成人节快乐!
- The so-called art education in the University was just like a torii of a whore. 这些所谓地大学艺术教育正象一个婊子的牌坊。
- In response to your letter of the 8th inst.,I am pleased to say that Mr. T. Torii is a man of trustworthy character. 本月8日贵函敬悉,鸟居太郎先生是位诚实可靠的人,特此告知。
- In response to your letter of the 8th Inst. , I am pleased to say that mr. t. toriI am a man of trustworthy character . 本月8日贵函敬悉。鸟居太郎先生是位诚实可靠的人,特此告知。
- In response to your letter of the8th inst., I am pleased to say that Mr. T. Torii is a man of trustworthy character. 本月8日贵函敬悉,鸟居太郎先生是位诚实可靠的人,特此告知。
- The torii is connected with the square and the platform in front of it is an altar for large scale fiesta. 牌坊与广场相连,坊前平台为祖庙大型祭典之祭坛。
- After the rich family, Wang Yue bridge, no rear, west-lu door, east-lu doors, gates, torii no. 后宅门、望岳桥、后殿均无,西进禄门、东进禄门、大门、牌坊亦无。
- Vintage Japanese black and white Picture Postcard, Torii Gate and Deer, Low Tide, Itsukushima Shrine, Temple. 严岛神社 大鸟居及神鹿 干潮时之游鹿.
- Early Japanese Picture Postcard.Ikuta Shinto Shrine, Torii Gate, Lion Statues, Kobe. 官币中社 生田神社 神户生田町镇座.
- Vintage Japanese B/W Picture Postcard, Torii Gate and Deer, Low Tide, Itsukushima Shrine, Temple. 严岛神社 大鸟居 神鹿 干潮时之鹿群.
- Wang torii gate reading: "the mother mountains," the three Chinese characters, both before and after the post was written couplets. 山门横牌坊上书“公母山”三个大字、门柱前后都写有楹联。
- "A technology partner like ExxonMobil is a vital component to any successful WRC team," said Isao Torii, Head of Motorsport, Mitsubishi Motors. 特别注意本网部分文章转载自其它媒体,转载目的在于传递更多行业信息,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。
- You can also see an old abandoned Shinto shrine under the camphor tree and a Torii (a sort of gate for a Shinto shrine) at the entrance to the hill. 你还能看在樟脑树下有一个神道教废弃了的神龛,森林入口处有一个牌坊。