- It is unwise to swim on a full stomach. 吃饱饭去游泳是愚蠢的。
- It is difficult to run quickly on a full stomach. 吃得太饱跑不快。
- You can't run on a full stomach. 饱餐之后不能跑步。
- You shouldn't exercise on a full stomach. 你不应该吃饱了就运动。
- I want you to go on a full stomach. 我希望你吃得饱饱的再上路。
- If you swim on a full stomach, you will have stomach ache. 吃饱了游泳,你会肚子疼。
- Top on a full stomach 饭后;肚子饱时
- People with heart conditions shouldn't take hot baths on a full stomach. 患有心脏病的人不应在饱餐之后洗热水澡。
- It is unwise to swim on a full stomach, i.e. when one has just eaten a meal. 胃里塞满食物游泳是愚蠢的,即刚吃完饭就去游泳。
- It's unwise to swim on a full stomach,ie when one has just eaten a meal. 刚吃完饭不宜游泳。
- It' s unwise to swim on a full stomach, ie when one has just eaten a meal. 刚吃完饭不宜游泳.
- Is it better to write your homework on a full stomach or on an empty one? 肚子饱的时候写作业好,还是空肚子的时候写作业好?
- It's unwise to swim on a full stomach, ie when one has just eaten a meal. 刚吃完饭不宜游泳.
- They had insisted on a full pictorial coverage of the events. 他们坚持要用图片来报导这些事件。
- Test for taking on a full load suddenly. 突加负荷试验。
- Running on a full bladder is not a good idea. 蹩住不撒尿不是一个好主意。
- They insisted on a full pictorial coverage of the event. 他们坚持要用图片来报导这些事件。
- Mr.Pollin says he's working on a fuller study now. 泡林说,他目前正在进行一项更全面的研究。
- I know somebody who is going to Oberlin on a full scholarship. 既自以心为形役,奚惆怅而独悲!悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追。
- You can put a lot of different pizza toppings on a pizza base. 你可以在比萨饼底衬上加不同的顶配料。