- Top Innovative Talents 拔尖创新人才
- top innovative talent 拔尖创新人才
- Possessing the capabilities of retaining and cultivating qualified and innovative talents. 具备储备和培养高素质复合型创新人才的两大功能。
- Cultivation of innovative talents: training on the job, learning from mistakes, and contemplating during competitions. 创新人才的训练:工作中训练,挫折中教育,竞争中思考。
- Finally,instancing one university,the paper introduces fully how to train innovative talents. 最后,以某大学为案例,全面介绍培养创新型人才的具体做法。
- Internationalization of higher education has special effects on cultivating of innovative talents. 高等教育国际化对培养创新人才具有特殊的作用。
- It is urgent demands for college education to offer innovative experiments, train innovative talents in the new stage. 摘要开设创新实验、培养创新型人才是新时期对大学教育的迫切要求。
- Traditional models of optics laboratory teaching are seriously affecting the effects of teaching, not benefiting the development of innovative talents. 传统的光学实验教学模式严重影响了实验教学效果,不利于创新型人才的培养。
- Academic environment of research universities has very important influence on the academic development and cultivation of innovative talents. 摘要研究型大学的学术环境对学术发展和创新人才的培养有重要影响。
- Teachers in vocational colleges should take on task of training innovative talents while lacing challenge of new century. 摘要在面对新世纪挑战的时候,职业技术学院的教师,应当承担起培养创新人才的重任。
- We have the ability, wherewithal and experience to use our innovative talent and experience to ensure your full satisfaction. 我们会与您一起,探讨所涉及的每一个细节,以保证市场宣传目标的最终实现。
- We must set clear objectives on Cultivation of Innovative Talents,slip the leash of traditional education mode,and implement the Strengthening Creative Education. 创新人才的培养,必须在明确创新人才培养目标的基础上,摆脱传统教育模式的约束,通过实施创新教育才能最终实现。
- General education is the core content of the reform in training model of China's high-level research universities and it is critical for training top-notch innovative talents. 摘要推行通识教育是目前我国高水平研究型大学培养模式改革的核心内容,对培养拔尖创新人才至关重要。
- It is the obligation for postgraduate education to train innovative talent as it is the highest level of education in our country. 研究生教育作为我国最高层次的教育,在培养创新型人才方面有着不可推卸的责任。
- The content and thought on gradually exploratory experiment teaching of pharmacology was introduced to research the cultivation of innovative talents and good experiment concept. 介绍渐进性探索性药理学实验设计的内容并分析其思维特点,探索培养学生创新能力和科学实验观的有效途径。
- PBL teaching is a sort of effective and advanced teaching method.It adapts for the need of cultivating innovative talents with high quality in modern society. PBL教学适应现代社会对高素质创新型医学人才的需要,是一种有效的、先进的教学方法。
- For cultivating innovative talent to adapt the development of 21th century,the effective mechanism must be established to support innovative education in universities. 为培养适应21世纪社会发展的创新人才;高等院校必须建立有效机制保证创新教育的有效开展.
- A new way to train innovative talent is apprehending the concept exactly, reforming teaching pattern deeply, and combining research-oriented teaching and study suitably. 培养创新型人才,必须准确把握创新型人才的内涵,深化教学改革,开展研究性教学与研究性学习,使之更好的结合,这是实施创新型人才培养的最新途径。
- Combined with the actual condition of opening experimental teaching in our college, it save an effective mode of experimental education in an open environment to cultivate innovative talents in new era. 结合学院开放实验教学的实际情况,积极探索适合高校的开放实验教学模式,为培养新世纪创新人才开辟有效的途径。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。