- Top Executive Incentive 高层管理人员激励
- Let's start from the top executive. 咱们从管理层开始谈吧。
- So we centralize our study on interaction of executive incentive, stockholding and firm performance. 因此我们集中研究了上市公司高管薪酬、高管持股与企业业绩之间的交互作用。
- After leaving government, Rubin landed at Citigroup as a top executive. 离开华府后,鲁宾进入花旗体系做高级行政主管。
- This paper mainly explores endogeneity of executive incentive, which emphasize interaction of executive compensation, stockholding and firm performance. 本文主要的研究就在于高管激励的内生性研究,着重研究高管薪酬、高管持股与企业业绩三者之间的交互作用。
- Then, executive stock option (ESO), which is the newest tool of executive incentive, plays a good role of enterprises' incentive and also exerts a far-reaching influence. 经理股票期权作为新型的激励手段,对职业经理 的激励有很好的效果,并产生深远的影响。
- She'-e-os: gender effects and investor reactions to the announcements of top executive appointments By: Lee, Peggy M. 性别效应与投资者对高级管理人员任命的反应。
- Top executive remuneration: a view from Europe By: Bruce, Alistair; Buck, Trevor; Main, Brian G. M. 高级管理人员薪酬:来自欧洲的观点。
- The top executive must learn to balance power and emphasis between the product and functional orientations. 高级管理者必须学会在产品和职能两个方向上平衡权力和重心。
- If are leaving your company as a top executive, you'll be given your final severance package. 如果你以高管的身份离开公司,你能拿到遣散费。
- A top executive from Geely says: "In the long term, we will have plants in all regions of the world where Toyota has. 一位吉利汽车公司的高管说:“从长远发展来说,我们会在所有丰田汽车开设分工厂的地区办厂”。
- Top executives of the center are planning development programs. 中心领导在谋划发展规划。
- Top executives of the center chat with some trainees. 中心领导与部分学员在一起。
- Design of Executive Incentive Compensation System 企业家激励报酬制度的设计
- To combat this tendency, Carlson rotated his top executives. 为了反对这种倾向,卡尔森轮换他的高级行政主管。
- Please be reminded that all organizations must have a contact listing for their top executive and at least one contact point. 请牢记,每个企业或组织的联系方式中至少包含一个最高管理层和一个具体事务联系人的联系方式。
- Before the day was over, Henry issued a cryptic memo to top executives. 亨利赶着在当天就向高级职员发出了一份使人费解的内部通知。
- He studied business administration at Howard University and took an internship at Uptown Records, climbing the ladder to top executive in mere months. 他在霍华德大学念企业管理,然后到上城唱片公司实习,短短几个月就一路爬到最高主管的位置。
- One implication of such a process may be that the overpayment of a top executive has higher costs than have previously been realized. 这样一个过程意味着,高层管理人员薪水过高所付出的代价可能要比先前所认识到的更高。
- Last month, a top executive at Exim Bank said it would not consider a public listing and had no plans to become a commercial entity. 上月,中国进出口银行的一名高管表示,该行不会考虑公开上市,也不打算成为一家商业性实体。