- Too much free stuff 太多免费项目
- Time was short, Daryl Morey said Thursday. He really did not have too much free time to talk. 莫雷在周四说时间已经很少,他没有太多的时间再去聊天。(貌似指被访)
- It is time to worry when both US Democratic presidential hopefuls say too much free trade is a bad thing. 作者说得好:没有什么可以将劳动密集型制造业带回美国。
- Also many free stuffs with purchase! 还有许多东西,买就送!
- Herring, it's just been my experience that when people with money and too much free time get involved in politics, pretty soon, I forget who it is I'm supposed to be shooting at. 只是我的经验告诉我,当有钱又有閒的人插手政治的时候,很快我就会忘了我要打击的敌人是谁了。
- You got way too much free time. 是不是说一个人太闲了的意思啊。
- Furthermore, the activities organized by the officials from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. were seen by everyone as the government's plan to not give journalists too much free time for individual activities. 再者,官方将采访活动从上午9点排到晚上9点,也让大家解读出不愿意记者有太多时间自由活动的意图。
- My lame excuse is that I have too much to do. 我那站不住脚的借口就是我要干的事太多了。
- Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation. 小心,不要因为蒸发作用而失掉过多的水份。
- Do I stuff too much laundry in the washer? 我是不是塞进太多的衣服到洗衣机里头了呢?
- They packed too much stuff in the suitcase. 他们在行李箱里装了太多东西。
- You get lots of free stuff when you join our club. 参加我们的俱乐部可以得到很多免费的赠品。
- Too much wining and dining is making him fat. 他酒宴过多而身体发胖。
- The stomach rebels against too much food. 胃不能接受过多的食物。
- Did I stuff too much laundry in the washer? 我是不是塞进洗衣机里太多的衣服?
- I find this town too much of a backwater. 我觉得这个城镇太闭塞。
- He always charges me too much for his goods. 他总是向我索取过高的货价。
- Free stuff with purchase of the mascara or eye cream. 买睫毛膏或者眼霜送小香水或其他小样。
- He spoiled the soup by putting too much salt in it. 他放了太多的盐,把那盘汤糟蹋了。
- He upset his stomach by eating too much rich food. 他吃油腻东西太多,胃很难受。