- Tokunaga Sunao 德永直(1899-1958),日本人,小说家。
- The local rail service (was) discontinued in 1958. 当地的铁路运输在1958年中断了。
- The conference was held at the Hague in 1899. 这个会议是1899年在海牙举行的。
- In 1958, the army of Iraq overthrew the monarchy. 1958年,伊拉克的军队推翻了君主制。
- London had its hottest day yesterday since 1899. 昨天伦敦是1899年以来最热的一天。
- They produced the opera first in 1958. 他们在1958年首次演出这个歌剧。
- They were held in 1899 (eighteen ninety-nine). 是在1899年举行的。
- In 1899, he was captured by the Boers, but escaped. 一八九九年他被波尔人俘虏,但逃脱了。
- In 1899, he made a movie called The Conjurer . 他在1899年制作了一部电影叫魔术师。
- In 1899, IWC produced its first wristwatches. 1899年,万国表公司推出了第一款腕表。
- The opera was first poduced in 1958. 这个歌剧是在一九五八年首次演出的。
- In 1899, he made a movie called The Conjurer. 他在1899年制作了一部电影叫魔术师。
- Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was founded in 1958. 宁夏回族自治区成立于1958年。
- These trees began to bear fruit in 1958. 这些树1958年开始结果子。
- The factory was started around 1958 by housewives. 这家工厂是在一九五八年左右由一些家庭妇女办起来的。
- Our first atomic reactor was built in 1958. 我们第一个原子反应堆建于1958年。
- The Great Leap Forward started in 1958. 大跃进是在一九五八年开始的。
- In 1958 we organized ourselves into a commune. 我们搞了人民公社。
- The Peace Hospital opened in 1958. 和平医院是1958年开办的。
- The European Common Market came into being in 1958. 欧洲共同体成立于1958年。