- Tokugawa Ieyosh 德川家庆(1793-1853),日本人,将军。
- Early Tokugawa stabilization and trends in thought. 早期德川幕府稳定期和思潮的趋势。
- Who opened the door of Tokugawa Japan in 1853? 谁于1853年打开了德川日本的大门?
- Tokugawa shogunate final offer to surrender the city. 德川幕府最终献城投降。
- Tokugawa shogunate Edo period is the era of Japanese rule. 江户时代是德川幕府统治日本的年代。
- They are closely associated with the history of the Tokugawa Shoguns. 同时该遗址与德川幕府时期的历史有着密切的关系。
- Jiun, a Shogun master, was a well-known Sanskrit scholar of the Tokugawa era. 济运*,幕府时代的大将军兼领主,是德川时代有名的佛学家。
- The Battle of Sekigehara leaves Leyasu Tokugawa as the undisputed master of Japan. 关原之战的结果使德川家康成为日本毫无辩驳的主人。
- Japanese success lay in the successful fight against petrification and nostalgia under Tokugawa. 日本经济的成功在于它对德川幕府时期成功的反对了僵化和怀旧。
- Leadership emerges under Nobunaga, Hideyoshi (fascinating personality) and Ieyasu begins the rigid the Tokugawa era (1603 - 1867). 战国时代群雄割据政局纷乱,织田信长,丰田秀吉,德川家族相继崛起。
- The common element between the Tokugawa era and today, says Osaka-based philosopher Masahiro Morioka, is peace. 居住在大阪的哲学家森冈正博说,德川年代与今天的共同点是和平。
- The Tokugawa shogunate until their integration into the formal establishment, into the most prosperous era. 而直到德川幕府将其纳入正式编制后,进入了最兴盛的年代。
- In the mid and late stages of Tokugawa period, primary market economy began to develop extensively. 在德川中后期,初级市场经济呈现规模发展趋势,日本封建社会孕育了自己的资本主义“萌芽”。
- "During the Tokugawa period (1603-1867), the daimyo acted as local rulers in three-fourths of the country. 德川幕府时代,大名在国内三个地区任地方统治者。
- Two decades later the despoticfeudalism of the Tokugawa shogunate was under greater strain. 20年后,江户幕府暴虐的封建专制面临着愈来愈大的压力。
- American Commodore, Perry, broke to sakoku policy of Tokugawa Japan in the hope of exploiting the resources of Japan. 美国海军准将;培里;打破了德川日本的锁国政策;以剥削利用日本的资源.
- It has a long history, from Japan's Tokugawa era of the Warring States period (15th century AD 16 century). 它具有悠久的历史,从日本战国时期到德川时代(公元十五世纪一十六世纪)。
- Cultural period of Japanese history corresponding to the political period of governance by the Tokugawa shogunate. 日本历史上的文化期,相当于德川幕府(Tokugawa shogunate)统治的政治时期(参阅Tokugawa shogunate)。
- The success of the modernization of Japan benefits from many outstanding historical heritage in Tokugawa time. 日本近代化的成功得益于德川时代的诸多优秀历史遗产。
- The Tokugawa control system lost its effectiveness during the Bakumatsu period [1853-68]. "德川幕府的幕藩体制在1853-1868年间无法有效控制幕府了".;试讨论此说