- Tobacco ring spot virus group 烟草环斑病毒组
- Detection of tobacco ring spot virus with dot immunogold and immunogold/silver staining. 斑点免疫金和免疫金/银染色法检测烟草环斑病毒
- the natural occurrence of tobacco ring spot virus 烟草环斑病毒的自然发病
- Isometric labile ring spot virus group 等轴不稳环斑病毒群
- tobacco ring spot virus 烟草环斑病
- Carnation ring spot virus group 香石竹环斑病毒群
- Tobacco Broad Ring Spot Virus, TBRSV 烟草脆裂病毒
- Tobacco Bergerac ring spot virus 贝尔格拉克烟草环斑病毒
- Sorghum concentric ring spot virus 高梁同心环斑病毒
- Papaw distortion ring spot virus 木瓜畸形环斑病毒
- Papaw faint mottle ring spot virus 木瓜浅环斑点病毒
- Cherry Germany chlorotic-necrotic ring spot virus 樱桃退绿-坏死环斑病毒
- Strawberry latent ring spot virus 草莓潜伏环斑病毒
- Ash chlorotic necrotic ring spot virus 秦皮退绿坏死环斑病毒
- Clerodendrum zonate ring spot virus 海洲常山同心环斑病毒
- Based on these characteristics,HmNV seemed to be probably a strainof TNV or a member of tobacco necrosis virus group. 根据这些性质,HmNV应是烟草坏死病毒的一个株系或是烟草坏死病毒组的一个成员。
- Tobacco ring spot nepovirus 烟草环斑线虫传多角体病毒
- Tobacco broad ring spot virus 烟草宽环斑病毒
- Tobacco broken ring spot virus 烟草断环斑病毒
- Tobacco yellow ring spot virus 烟草黄环斑病毒