- So he got out the boat, and set off rowing up the river to where the garden front of Toad Hall came down to the waterside. 他把船驾了出来,向河上游划去。蟾宫的花园,就延伸到河边。
- Many kinds of toad hibernate in winter. 许多种蟾蜍在冬天都会冬眠。
- you wouldn't surely have Mr.Toad of Toad Hall, going about the country disguised as a washerwoman!’ “不过,问题是,你总不能让蟾宫的蟾蜍先生装成洗衣妇,满世界跑吧!”
- you wouldn't surely have Mr.Toad of Toad Hall, going about the country disguised as washerwoman!’ “不过,问题是,你总不能让蟾宫的蟾蜍先生装成洗衣妇,满世界跑吧!”
- Tell me about Toad Hall,' said she. 'It sounds beautiful. “给我说说你的蟾宫吧,”她说。“看来那是个美丽的地方。”
- I shall go and enlist for a soldier, and never see my dear Toad Hall any more. 我要报名当兵去,再也别想见我心爱的癞蛤蟆宫了!
- Back in Toad Hall,there was a lot of tidying up to do after the battle. 回到蛤蟆府第,战后有大堆的收拾工作。
- But he had gone up to Toad Hall,and two ferrets in the garden had laughed at him,and the stoats who were guarding the walls had shot at him. 但他还是去了蛤蟆府,只见两只雪貂在花园里嘲笑他,并且守卫在墙上的白鼬开枪射他。
- He was tired of Toad, and his sulks and his airs and his meanness. 他讨厌他那副阴阳怪气、装腔作势的卑劣相。
- A hundred bloodthirsty badgers, armed with rifles, are going to attack Toad Hall this very night, by way of the paddock. 就在今天晚上,一百个杀气腾腾的獾,提着来复枪,要从马场那边进攻蟾宫。
- The swimmers quaffed an “ancient brew” of toad skin and birds' nests. 游泳队员吃的是则“古方”炖蟾蜍皮和炖燕窝。
- He won a lasting place in the actor's Hall of Fame. 他在演剧界享有无可动摇的地位。
- The Holdridge's toad of Costa Rica is defined as extinct on the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, released October 6. 该霍尔德里奇的蟾蜍哥斯达黎加灭绝是指在2008年IUCN红色名录的濒危物种,10月6日公布。
- The acoustics of this concert hall are excellent. 这个音乐厅的传音效果极好。
- These results seem to indicate that the AVT may play an important role in the ovulation process of toad. AVT在蟾蜍动情、排卵的过程中可能起着重要的作用。
- Many students were crushed out of the hall. 许多学生没有挤进大厅。
- Type genus of the Bufonidae; common toads of New and Old Worlds. 蟾蜍科的模式属;新旧大陆常见的一种蟾蜍。
- So that day she went on her errand of mercy, and knocked at the door of Toad's cell. 于是有一天,她就敲开蟾蜍囚室的门,去做行善的事。
- Lao Sun suddenly slipped out of the hall. 老孙突然从礼堂溜了出来。
- This kind-hearted girl, pitying the misery of Toad, said to her father one day, ‘Father! 这位好心的姑娘很同情蟾蜍的悲惨处境。有一天,她对父亲说:“爹!