- Any stranger who tried to interfere with the boat would be seen. 任何外人想破坏这条小船都能被发现。
- Do you ever allow pleasure to interfere with duty? 你曾为了玩乐而影响了你的工作吗?
- To interfere with the affair 干预其事
- Some militant Muslim groups in Nigeria have threatened to interfere with the event. 尼日利亚一些好战的穆斯林组织威胁说要干涉这场比赛。
- To interfere with action or progress. 阻碍阻碍行动或进展
- To interfere with the respiration of by compression or obstruction of the larynx or trachea. 阻止通过掐住或堵住喉咙或气管而阻碍呼吸
- Marwan warns CTU not to interfere with the exchange.The exchange will take place at the Sepulveda dam. 木乃伊警告CTU不要耍阴谋,交易将在一个大坝上进行。
- These had a gene added to interfere with the biological causes of leaf loss during drought. 他们被加入了一个基因,在乾旱时干涉树叶掉落的生物原因。
- We didn't want to interfere with your work. 我们不想妨碍你的工作。
- I don't want to interfere with you. 我不想打扰你了。
- The affair rests with the judge. 这件事仍然是个谜。
- You have no right to interfere with me. 你无权干涉。
- De you ever allow pleasure to interfere with duty? 你是不是乐而忘干啦?
- I do not like him to interfere with my affairs. 我不喜欢他干扰我的事。
- One that interferes with the affairs of others, often for selfish reasons. 干涉他人事务者干涉他人事务的人,通常是出于个人原因。
- To interfere with and ruin; spoil. 找出错误;责备某人或某物
- No one wants to interfere with you. 谁也不想干扰你。
- Don't allow pleasure to interfere with duty. 不要让娱乐妨碍了职责。
- Much right he has to interfere with me . 他的许多权利与我(的利益)相抵触.
- His report was unconcerned with the affair. 他的报告兴该事件无关。