- Evil-doers always act in foolhardy manner. 犯罪者总是胆大妄为。
- To act in foolhardy manner 胆大妄为
- To act in an irresponsible or foolish manner. 出丑以愚蠢而不负责任的表现
- To act in a servile manner;fawn. 卑躬屈膝地听命;奉承讨好
- To act in a servile manner; fawn. 卑躬屈膝地听命;奉承讨好
- To act in an odd or eccentric manner. 成癖以一种古怪或怪癖的方式做事
- She must be out of her mind to act in that way. 她那样干,一定是精神不正常。
- She must be out of her senses to act in that way. 她那样做肯定是神志不清。
- See fit or proper to act in a certain way. 判断怎样行事才算合适。
- It is disgraceful for him to act in that way. 他那样做是可耻的。
- You had no business to act in that way. 你没有权利那样做。
- Did Buffett prod China to act in Sudan? 巴菲特敦促中国在苏丹采取行动了吗?
- He cannot be in possession of his senses, to act in that manner. 他那样做,定是丧失了理智。
- Whatever prompted you to act in such a way? 是什么使你这么做的?
- The little boy was chosen to act in the TV play. 那个小男孩被选来演电视剧。
- I know how I have to act in future. 我知道将来我应该怎样面对。
- How could we have brought so much trouble on ourselves, and the rest of the world, by acting in such an obviously foolhardy manner? 我们怎能如此明显有勇无谋,给自己和世人惹来这麽多麻烦?
- She must be out of her mind, to act in that way. 她举止乖戾,一定是发疯了。
- Julia did her best to act in that movie. 这是朱莉娅表现最佳的一部片子。
- What part are you going to act in the TV play? “你打算在电视剧里扮演什么角色?”