- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。
- It was a privilege to work with him. 和他在一起工作是一项殊荣。
- We can set to work with a light heart. 我们可以轻松地开始工作。
- He liked to work with young people. 他喜欢和年轻人一道工作。
- It is a pleasure to work with you. 和你一起工作真是件乐事。
- He set to work with real goodwill. 他认真努力地干了起来。
- Nobody likes to work with a kicker. 谁也不喜欢与爱抱怨的人一起工作。
- The Rubicon once crossed, they set to work with a will. 事已定局,他们就起劲地干了起来。
- Difficult to work with, such as soil; intractable. 难对付的难处理的(如因污物); 难驾驭的
- He set to work with unrestrained zest. 他兴冲冲地开始工作。
- It was against all my principles to work with him. 与他共事违反我的做人原则。
- We found him a good comrade to work with. 我发现他是一个好共事的好同志。
- I feel it very happy to work with you. 我感觉和你一起工作很幸福。
- She is a teacher and has to work with children. 她是老师,得跟孩子们打交道。
- She is a very nice person to work with. 她是一个很好共事的人。
- It seems that no one wants to work with Ben. 好象没有人喜欢跟班一起工作。
- I think it a great pleasure to work with you. 和你在一起工作,我感到很高兴。
- She sets to work with the scrubbing brush. 她开始用刷子刷地。
- Seryozhka sets to work with vexation, with anger. 谢辽日卡一动手干活就厌烦,生气。
- LS is simple to work with and can be very fast. LS原理简单且处理速度极快。