- To whistle a different tune. 就是:不同的调子。
- He's whistling a different tune. 他改变论调了。
- He even began to whistle a tune under his breath. 他居然开始低声吹着调子。
- He'll sing a different tune when he has to earn his own money. 当她必须自己去赚钱时,他唱的调子就会不同了。
- Don't worry. In the future, I'll start whistling a different tune. 别担心,以后我会改变态度的。
- Tom always said he didn't want any children, but he's whistling a different tune since his wife gave birth to a son. 汤姆以前总是说他不要孩子。但是,自从他太太生了一个儿子后,他现在非常喜欢孩子。
- He is trying to play the same tune in a different rhythm. 他正试图用不同节奏演奏同一个曲子。
- I bet Dan will sing a different tune when he finds out what the salary is. 我打赌当丹发现薪水是多少的时候,他就会改变态度了。
- He had to whistle up some new ideas for lessons. 他只好勉强给上课的教材添些新内容。
- Had the Borrego come around in, say, 2003-2004, we think we would've been singing a different tune. 博雷戈来到了附近的,也就是说,2003年至2004年,我们认为我们会一直唱唱反调。
- Candice:I heard the girl's from a well-to-do family, perhaps that's why he's now dancing to a different tune. 我听说这女的家境很好,或许这就是如今他之所以改弦易辙(一改以往作风)的原因。
- If he wants his money now he'll have to whistle for it, I'm afraid. 要是他现在想要他的钱,我看他是吹了。
- They seem to exist on a different spiritual plane. 他们似乎生活在不同的精神境界。
- This sound can be approximated by adopting the posture to whistle a very low note, or blow out a candle. is produced with the tongue as low and as far back in the mouth as possible. 发此音的动作,大约有如吹出很低音的哨子,或者吹蜡烛。如要发出,舌头则要尽可能伸至最后和最低。
- When child have a fit, often meet to parental criticism backchat, most at least is big in the heart sing a different tune. 当孩子大发脾气时,对于父母的批评往往会顶嘴,最起码在心里大唱反调。
- He whistled a foreign tune to us. 他用口哨为我们吹奏了一首外国曲调。
- The little boy rounded his lips to whistle. 那个小男孩把双唇收圆好吹口哨。
- He has to whistle up some new idea for lesson. 他只好勉强给上课的教材添些新内容。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我从不同的观点来看这个问题。
- He tried to whistle in the dark. 他试图在黑暗中吹哨。