- To vie for an advantage or a position. 竞争,争夺为利益或职位而竞争
- To vie;contend. 竞争;比赛
- To vie; contend. 竞争;比赛
- Boys like to vie to become pack leader and play for laughs in class. 男孩喜欢竞争做群体领袖,在课堂上玩耍以博取笑声。
- Each plan has to vie with many others just to get a second look from investors. 为了能让投资人再看一眼,每个计划都要和其他的计划形成竞争之势。
- She's had a lot of problems to contend with. 她有许多问题要解决。
- John has to contend with great difficulties. 约翰得与那些艰难困苦作斗争。
- What motivates Nantah alumni associations all over the world to put in money and hard work to vie for the honour of hosting a reunion? 是什么因素促使各地的南大校友不畏艰难,不怕辛苦,出钱出力争取主办联欢会?
- Only in this way can enterprises have strong competitiveness to vie with their domestic and overseas counterparts. 只有这样,企业才具备强有力的竞争力与国内外同行竞争。
- Introduction: Batman star to vie mountains and the challenges the country war, punish the bad guys to hurry! 明星蝙蝠侠出战江湖,挑战身手大战,快来惩治坏人吧!
- Establishes a system to eliminate and to vie to answer first controlling switch S, this switch controls by the director. 设置一个系统清除和抢答控制开关S,该开关由主持人控制。
- Because all the good stuff in the house belonged to only me, and there were no brothers or sisters to vie with me for my parents' love. 因为家里的好东西都属于我一个,也没有别的兄弟姐妹和我争抢父母的爱。
- I have enough to contend with. Don't bother me with your problems. 我要处理的事情够多的了,不要再拿你的问题来打扰我了。
- The more aloof you are regarding your feelings for someone the more likely he or she will be to vie for your attention. 你的感情表现地越冷淡,对对方就更惧杀伤力。
- The lottery committee has shortlisted Sherwood and four other projects to vie for the $100 million. 彩票协会最后抽出让舍伍德和另外四个项目一起竞争10亿英镑。
- To vie for the agency business, agents conducted between unprecedented fierce competition. 为争夺代理业务,代理公司之间展开空前激烈的竞争。
- He had to contend with many difficulties when he was a young man. 年轻时,他不得不与许多困难作斗争。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- For a long time, the theory of literary criticism in China has been difficult to vie with that in Western countries for lack of a system. 长期以来,中国文学批评理论缺乏体系,难以与西方文学批评理论相抗衡。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。