- Keep silent! I don't want you to throw me out. 安静,我希望你别打扰我。
- It's your turn to throw the dice. 轮到你掷骰子了。
- I'm unable to throw off this feeling of inertia. 我无法摆脱这种懒散的感觉。
- He had to throw up his whole plan. 他只得放弃整个计划。
- The only thing to do is to throw caution to the winds. 唯一可做的事情就是不顾一切豁出去。
- The poor girl found it hard to throw off her former boy friend. 这可怜的女孩发觉要摆脱掉她以前的男朋友很不容易。
- All the accused can now do is to throw himself on the mercy of the court. 被告现在能做的只有请求法院的宽大处理了。
- Cargo or equipment thrown overboard to lighten a ship in distress. 投弃物当船遇难时为了减轻船重而抛至船外的货物或设备
- The ticker tape machine began to throw out tape. 自动收报机已开始工作。
- I'm not going to throw you over. I've always been on the square with you. 我不会抛弃你,我对你一向是诚心诚意的。
- Powers tried to throw the sword into the scale. 大国力图用武力来解决问题。
- The sailor coiled the rope up, ready to throw it. 船员把绳子盘在物上准备扔出去。
- To throw overboard 抛入大海
- Take care! Fish is able to throw the hook. 当心!鱼能脱钩。
- The rifle is able to throw a bullet about 4 miles. 这把来复枪可以把子弹射出大约4英里。
- They were thrown overboard when they were on the sea. 他们出海时船翻了。
- If you slacked consistently, you could be thrown overboard. 如果你屡教不改老偷懒,你可能会被活活扔到海里。
- She wanted to throw the receipt into the trashcan. 她想把收据扔到垃圾筒里。
- To throw(the ball) from the mound to the batter. 投球将球从投球区土墩投给击球手
- He was healthy enough to throw off his cold easily. 他很健康,很容易抗感冒。