- To strike with a waddy. 用木棍击打
- To strike with or as if with a whip. 鞭打用或仿佛用鞭子击打
- To strike with or as if with a tomahawk. 用斧劈(或斩)用或似乎用这种斧头砍、劈
- To strike with a sudden, sharp sound. 击打带有突然或尖锐的声音击打
- To strike with the beak or a pointed instrument. 啄用嘴巴或尖利的器械击、刺或啄
- To strike with repeated strokes, as with a strap or rod; lash. 抽打重复地抽打,如用皮带或棍子;鞭笞
- To strike with a weapon, pay its strike cost and exhaust it. 要使用武器的话,支付攻击消耗并横置此武器卡。
- To strike with a weapon in play, pay its strike cost and exhaust it. 需要使用武器攻击的时候,要支付他的攻击消耗并会横置它。
- To beat or strike with or as if with a cudgel. 打击,用棍打用棍棒或象是用棍棒打击
- To strike or hit with a flat object; whack. 用扁平的物体敲打或打击;使劲打
- To strike, poke, or stir with a pole. 用杆子击打、戳、或搅拌
- To strike or hit with a flat object;whack. 用扁平的物体敲打或打击;使劲打
- To strike with or as if with the open hand;slap. 掴用巴掌或似乎用巴掌打击;掴
- Hit: To strike the ball with a swinging motion. 挥击:用力挥棒击球。
- To strike with or as if with the open hand; slap. 掴用巴掌或似乎用巴掌打击;掴
- To strike or beat with or as if with a club. 用棒击用或好象用棒击或敲
- To strike together with a loud,harsh,metallic noise. 撞击击打并发出强烈刺耳的金属响声
- The church clocks strike with a muffled sound. 教堂的钟敲出低沉的响声。
- To strike (someone or something) with a sharp blow; slap. 猛击:猛力击打(某人或某物),拍打
- To strike with a cue. 用球杆打击