- To say this is worthwhile.||It is worthwhile to say this. 这话值得说。
- To say this is worthwhile. 这话值得说。
- It would be stretching a point to say this is a great movie. 可以牵强附会地说这是一部伟大的电影。
- I'm sorry to say this, but the sea food is not at all fresh. 说来很遗憾,这儿的海鲜一点都不新鲜。
- It is worthwhile to say this. 这话值得说。
- I hate to say this, but your boy is so mischievous. 我真不愿提这事,但你的小孩确实太淘气了。
- But I have to say this fear is unfounded. 但我必须说,这种担心纯属杞人忧天。
- To say this metal is volatile is an understatement. 说黄金市场动荡有点轻描淡写。
- Had to say this is the most valable place to purchasebuy EVE ISK HOHO! 记者吕波报道“郑智的进球对于客场作战的查尔顿来说是一个完美的鼓舞。”
- This is inconsistency, to say the least. 就说得轻一些,这也是言行不一的问题。
- This is a common way to say good-bye. 这是告别时常讲的话。
- I know you are despair for the leave of Miss Lary, but I'd to say this is the worst way to end one's life. 我知道您对于拉莉小姐的离开很绝望,但是我不得不说一句,这真是最差的自杀方法了。
- Joshua was almost become prescient of the last few monthes to say this is Chinese coming out party. 鲍勃,现在的表演是要给中国伟大的朝代--唐朝致敬吧!
- This is all that I want to say at the meeting. 这就是我在会上要说的。
- Forecasters say this is good news, but it is too early to say if Fargo will be spared. 气象预报员称水位下降是个利好消息,但要就此判断法哥能否逃过此劫还为时尚早。
- This is not in consistency, to say the least. 就是说得轻一些,这也是言行不一致的问题。
- I'm sorry to say this,but the clock doesn't work. 很抱歉说这事,不过这座钟不会走。
- Mallett says this is akin to murder. 马里特说这和谋杀没什么两样。
- I do not really want to say this. 我不想这么说。
- I'm sorry but I have to say that this is no good. 我很遗憾但是我必须说,这样做不好。