- To put clothes on; dress. 着(衣)穿上衣服;穿衣
- Put clothes on; dress eg. He was clothed in wool. 他穿着毛衣。
- I didn't have time to get changed before the party(= to put different clothes on). 我没时间在聚会前更换衣服。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- Putting clothes on Venus would be a letdown, and seeing Black Jade in the buff a shock! 叫维纳斯穿衣服,不免扫兴;想像林黛玉一丝不挂,那就是惊世骇俗了。
- The girl couldn't wait to put on her new dress. 女孩迫不及待地穿上了她的新裙子。
- She put the wet clothes on the line to dry. 她把湿衣服晾在绳子上了。
- It is so cold that I have to put on more clothes. 天太冷了,我不得不多穿衣服。
- Eg. I advise you to put on more clothes today. 我建议你今天再穿上点衣服。
- They bought a bookcase to put the books on. 他们买了个书架来放书。
- Police tried to restore order by escorting the girls into a shop and asking them to put some clothes on,the opposition newspaper said. 据另外一家报纸报道,为了恢复交通秩序,可怜的埃及警察不得不把这些姑娘带进一家商店,并让她们多穿点衣服。
- It is now possible to put a man on the moon. 目前已能将人送到月球上。
- You hang clothes on a peg fixed to a wall or door. 你把衣服挂在固定在墙上或门上的挂衣钩上。
- Tell him to put a bridle on his tongue. 告诉他说话要谨慎。
- The runaway inflation would seem to put the brakes on such a trend. 失控的通货膨胀似乎阻止这一趋势的发展。
- I own nothing beyond the clothes on my back. 除了身上的这些衣服,我一无所有。
- A nurse came to put on a clean dressing for him. 一位护士来给他包上干净的绷带。
- provide with clothes or put clothes on. 用衣服装备或穿上衣服。
- He tried to put a good face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- I was in such a hurry that I put my clothes on anyhow. 我很匆忙,所以随便地把衣服穿上了。