- To pronounce clearly; enunciate. 清晰地发音;念字
- To pronounce clear of guilt or blame. 赦免宣布无罪或不应受谴责
- To pronounce clearly;enunciate. 清晰地发音;念字
- To pronounce distinctly and carefully; enunciate. 发音清晰清晰地和仔细地发音;发音
- To pronounce distinctly and carefully;enunciate. 发音清晰清晰地和仔细地发音;发音
- I don't know how to pronounce this word. 我不知道这个单词怎么发音。
- He's too ready to pronounce on matters of which he really knows very little. 他太喜欢对自己实际上几乎一无所知的问题发表意见。
- He has every right to pronounce on this matter. 他完全有权利对这件事发表意见。
- To pronounce as or alter to a palatal sound. 发成颚音或变成颚音
- To pronounce badly or incorrectly. 发错音或发音不准
- He is best qualified to pronounce on such a matter. 他最有资格对这种事情发表意见。
- She needs to pronounce his name frequently. 她需要不断地提到他。
- The minister was asked to pronounce on the proposed new legislation. 要求部长对提出的新法案表态。
- I don't know enough to pronounce on this matter. 我知道得不多,对这事不表示意见。
- Please follow me to pronounce this word. 请跟我一起发这个音。
- To pronounce a judgment; announce a verdict. 裁定,判定宣布判决;宣布裁决
- To pronounce with vibration of the vocal cords. 发音通过声带振动来发出声音
- To pronounce an adverse judgment upon. 宣告不利的判决
- To pronounce sentence upon(one adjudged guilty). 判决对(被判定有罪的人)宣布判决
- To pronounce with a hissing sound; make sibilant. 发成咝擦音;发咝擦音