- I advise you to keep your shirt on no matter what he says. 不管他说什么,我劝你都不要发脾气。
- Keep your shirt on! Nobody meant to offend you. 别发火! 没人想惹你.
- Keep your shirt on, buddy. Talk to him. 冷静点,去和他好好谈一谈。
- Keep your shirt on! I'll get it fixed for you. 不要发火!我替你修好。
- Keep your shirt on! It was only a joke. 别生气!开个玩笑而已。
- Keep your shirt on, please! The fault lies with me. 请保持冷静!责任由我来负。
- The plane doesn't land for another hour, so keep your shirt on. 飞机还要过一小时才着陆,所以请保持耐心
- Keep your shirt on! There's no need to get so upset. 保持镇静!没有必要这样沮丧。
- Keep your shirt on, Harry; we have plenty of time to catch the train. 哈里,别太紧张,我们还有好多时间,足够我们赶上火车的。
- Honey, keep your shirt on, please! I'm sorry, but the boss made me work late at the office. 请你千万别发火。我很抱歉。可是,我的老板给了我好多活,我不得不在办公室加班嘛。
- That horse is bound to win; put your shirt on it. 那匹马肯定会赢,把你所有的钱都押在上面吧。
- To keep your shirt on 不要紧张,或者是不要在不了解清楚情况的时候就发火honey;keepyourshirton;please!i'msorry;butthebossmademeworklateattheoffice.;亲爱的,请你千万别发火。我很抱歉。可是,我的老板给了我好多活,我不得不在办公室加班嘛
- Try to keep your work on a high plane. 努力将你的工作保持在高水平上。
- Be it your intention to diet to keep your figure? 您打算节食以保持苗条体形吗?
- Keep your shirt on! "稍等一会儿!"
- You've forgotten to keep in your shirt tail. 你忘记把衬衫下摆塞进裤子了。
- You should learn to keep your temper under control. 你应该学会控制自己的脾气。
- In professional competition you have to learn to keep your temper. 在与同行的竞争中,你得学会捺住性子。
- Don't put your shirt on until it's dry. 衬衫要干了才可以穿。
- Put on your wool socks to keep your feet warm. 穿上羊毛袜子,好让脚暖和。