- To give or take advice. 提出或接受建议
- To give or take mutually; interchange. 互换相互都给或拿;交换
- There is almost never a way to jigger the functioning to give or take slight advantages in an automated system. 但人能够以某种被多数自动系统忽略的方式进行工作,在自动系统中几乎没有利用这种功能。
- At first, God was a self-serving set of humans that had the right to give or take life as they chose, and extend their lives into seeming immortality. 首先,神是一组服务自我的人类,有权力按他们的选择去给予或获得生命,并延长他们的寿命到看似永恒。
- Why to give or take an injection, after taking medicine, uric concealed blood still does not fall! ? 为什么打针、吃药以后尿隐血还是降不下来!?
- He was 80 years old, give or take a year. 他八十岁上下。
- It will take an hour, give or take a few minutes either way. 那要花一个小时,上下差不了几分钟。
- The chalet is close to the road, give or take a few hundred yards. 这小屋靠近马路,增减几百码而无大变化
- To give or suggest the etymology of a word. 研究词源,阐述词源给出或提示一个词的词源
- She's five feet tall, give or take one inch or two. 她身高有5英尺,即使不到相差也不过一两英寸。
- To give or award an educational credit to. 给予荣誉给予或授予教育上的荣誉
- To give or take as security. 保证,担保
- To give or pledge(one's word or oath,for example). 保证,发誓给予或发誓(例如,自己的话或誓言)
- He be 80 year old,give or take a year. 他八十岁上下。
- To give or prescribe(medicine)in specified amounts. 一剂,一服按剂量开药
- He is 80 year old,give or take a year. 他八十岁上下。
- She's five feet tall,give or take one inch or two. 她身高有5英尺,即使不到相差也不过一两英寸。
- It's good to take advice from the old. 从老人们那儿接受建议是很好的。
- To condescend to give or grant; vouchsafe. 施惠于人;赐予
- Unwilling to give or spend money; penny-pinching. 吝啬的,过分节俭的不情愿给钱或花钱的;过分吝啬的