- No Party member is permitted to disobey orders! 不许任何人不执行命令!
- He said that minority includes some rabbis who are calling for soldiers to disobey orders. 他说,这一小部分人包括一些提倡士兵不服从命令的传教士。
- I'll learn you how to disobey my orders! 我要给你一点厉害看看不服从我的命令会怎么样!
- They instigated the man to disobey orders 他们怂恿地违抗命令。
- Once the order is given, who dares to disobey? 号令一出,谁敢不依?
- to defy orders; to disobey orders 抗命
- Once the order is given,who dares to disobey? 号令一出,谁敢不依?
- to disobey orders and cause delay (used in official document) 违误
- He never again aspired to disobey her. 他从此没有再想去违抗她。
- He can't afford to disoBey his Boss. 他可不敢违抗老板。
- She promised never to disobey him again. 她答应不会再忤逆他了。
- It pains me to have to disobey you, but I must. 不得不违抗你使我痛苦,但我必须那样做。
- I recommend you not to disobey your officers. 我劝你不要不服从你的长官。
- So Jonah made up his mind to disobey God. 于是,约拿书决心违抗上帝。
- He faced a court martial for disobeying orders. 他因不服从命令受到军法审判。
- The captain is degraded for disobey order. 这个上尉因不服从命令而被降级。
- You cannot disobey orders from above like this. 你对上级的指示不能这样硬顶。
- He was degraded for disobeying orders. 他因不服从命令而受到降级处分。
- Don't make it tough for me, as no one dares to disobey my father. 家父的严命谁敢违抗,你总是为难我。
- To disobey orders 违抗命令