- To chatter without stopping 谍谍不休
- We would excite along while after seeing a small locust; we will praise highly still chatter without stopping from afar after seeing a not well-known small red flower. 我们会在看见一只小蚂蚱之后,兴奋了半天;我们会在看见一朵不知名的小红花之后,走出老远还在喋喋不休的赞叹。
- He went straight to Lagos, without stopping in Nairobi. 他径直前往拉各斯,未在内罗毕停留。
- You have to type without stopping all day. 你不得不整天没完没了地打字。
- She never passes without stopping to say hello. 她从这儿经过时没有一次不停下来问候一番。
- He hurried past me without stopping. 他匆忙从我身边走过,连停都没停。
- To chatter thoughtlessly or at length. 唠叨,喋喋不休缺少考虑地或冗长地说话
- I walked up to the seventh floor without stopping. 例)我一口气爬到了七楼。
- It is not decent to chatter in class. 在课堂上聊天是不适当的。
- They would have to ride without stopping. 他们必须马不停蹄地前进。
- chatter without stop 喋喋不休
- Dr Bethune worked very hard without stopping to rest. 白求恩大夫不停歇地努力工作。
- They walked past without stopping. 他们一步不停地走了过去。
- His tongue ran on without stopping. 他鼓舌如簧,讲个不停。
- Girls have a stronger tendency to chatter than boys. 女孩子较男孩子性好饶舌。
- We traveled day and night without stopping. 我们日夜兼程地旅行。
- We travelled day and night without stopping. 我们日夜兼程地旅行。
- Yes, the onset of a disease rigor cause my teeth to chatter. 发病开始冷得我牙齿大战。
- He hurried past them without stopping. 他匆匆走过他们身边,连停都没停。
- It snowed for three days without stopping. 雪接连下了三天。