- To cause to acquiesce;submit. 使默认;使服从
- To cause to acquiesce; submit. 使默认;使服从。
- To cause to become financially bankrupt. 使破产使造成经济上的破产
- To cause to adapt to social or economic change. 修整使之适应于社会或经济变化
- To cause to be meek or modest in spirit. 使柔顺,使谦和使(别人)在精神上显得温顺或谦卑
- To cause to move in or form a zigzag. 使之字形移动,形成之字形
- To cause to be annoyed or resentful. 惹恼使气恼或恼怒
- To cause to decompose by electrolysis. 使电解用电解来引起分解
- To cause to move through or as if through a funnel. 使或使看似流经漏斗
- To cause to grow or yield a crop. 使谷物生长,使谷物收成
- To cause to assume a leaning or prone position. 靠使之处于斜倚或被支撑的位置
- To cause to conform or agree; bring into harmony. 使符合,使同意;使和谐
- To cause to form an arch or similar curve. 使成拱形使形成拱或类似曲线
- To cause to form into a clot or clots. 使凝结使形成一团或几团
- To cause to have a mental or physical breakdown. 崩溃使在精神上或体力上崩溃
- To cause to laugh or smile by giving pleasure. 逗乐,逗笑通过娱乐而使大笑或微笑
- To cause to rise and fall or vary irregularly. 使起伏或不规律变化
- To cause to sound with a deep ringing noise. 洪亮地发声使发出洪亮的声音
- To cause to move forward or onward. 推进使向前移动或继续移动
- To cause to adopt a contrary viewpoint. 推翻看法使采取相反的论点