- To sing for them is to cast pearls before swine. 为他们唱歌真是犹如对牛弹琴。
- To explain to him is to cast pearls before swine. 跟他解释就等于对牛弹琴。
- To cast pearls before swine is to give things of value to those who will not understand it. 明珠投暗的意思,就是把珍贵的东西送给不识货的人。
- Do not cast pearls before swine. 不要在公猪面前抛珍珠。
- I'll never cast pearls before swine. 我绝不会对牛弹琴。
- I do a thankless thing, and cast pearls before swine! 我在做一件吃力不讨好的事,简直是对牛弹琴。含义:不帮助,不同情。
- With this customer, he felt himself, as it were, casting pearls before swine. 面对这个客商,他感到好像是在对牛弹琴。
- To cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴
- It's a waste of time to talk to her. She always turns a deaf ear to others. Don't cast pearls before swine. 劝她是浪费时间。她听不进去别人的话。别对牛弹琴了。
- Don't waste good advice on him.He will never listen to it.Don't cast pearls before swine. 别同他费口舌了。他根本不听,也不会理解你的良苦用心。
- She read them Shakespeare, but it was casting pearls before swine. 她为他们朗诵莎士比亚著作,但那等于对牛弹琴。
- It is like casting pearls before swine to talk about this to him. 和他谈这个简直是对牛弹琴。
- Giving her the gold earrings was casting pearls before swine. 与猪论珠,对牛弹琴。
- Cast pearls before swine. 明珠暗投。
- He explained the beauty of the music to her but it was casting pearls before swine. 他向她讲解那音乐的妙处,可是这无异于对牛弹琴。
- He explained the beauty of the music to his wife but it was casting pearls before swine. 他跟他妻子讲解那音乐之美,可是这无异于对牛弹琴。
- Giving somebody who does not appreciate art a famous painting would be like casting pearls before swine. 把一幅名画送给不懂如何欣赏艺术的人简直是糟蹋。
- He explained the beauty of the music to his wife,but it was casting pearls before swine. 他跟他妻子讲解那音乐之美,可是这无异于对牛弹琴。
- He has no ear for music. It's casting pearls before swine to take him to the concert. 他不懂音乐,带他去听音乐会,犹如对牛弹琴。
- He has no ear for music.It's casting pearls before swine to take him to the concert. 他不懂音乐,带他去听音乐会,犹如对牛弹琴。