- To become clean or pure. 净化变干净或纯洁
- (religion) ritually clean or pure. (宗教)根据宗教仪式是可食的或者无害的。
- He has an urge to become a cinema star. 他渴望当一名电影明星。
- To become infected with or as if with canker. 受到溃疡感染被溃疡感染的或仿佛被溃疡感染
- Clean up To make clean or orderly. 清理使清洁或有秩序。
- To become or cause to become wrinkled or puckered. 使褶皱成为或使成为皱起来或起皱的
- To become worn away or tattered along the edges. 被磨损或磨破边缘
- This priest wants to become a bishop. 这位牧师想成为主教。
- Many graduates are impatient to become managers. 很多人毕了业就迫不及待想当经理。
- You need brains to become a university professor. 当大学教授要有才智。
- States seek to become stronger through alliance. 各国力求通过结盟而更加强大。
- Nothing can weaken his resolve to become a lawyer. 什么也动摇不了他要当律师的决心。
- The meeting began to become clamorous. 会议开始变得喧哗了。
- His dream is to become an engineer. 他的梦想是将来成为一名工程师。
- Is the wall behind clean or sticky with grease? 炉灶后面的墙是干净的还是有着粘粘的油渍?
- A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly. 毛毛虫必须经过茧的阶段才能变成蝴蝶。
- Clean or replace the relief valve seat. 清洗或更换安全阀阀座。
- Q24:Can I clean or wash a disposable respirator? 问24:能清洗随弃式呼吸防护口罩么?
- He rose from the ranks to become an officer. 他由士兵升为军官。
- Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky. 在内胎上涂抹胶水并让它发粘。