- To assume a pose. 摆姿势
- To cause to assume a leaning or prone position. 靠使之处于斜倚或被支撑的位置
- He tried hard to assume a natural expression. 他用尽全力在脸上装出一副坦然的表情来。
- To assume a spiral or curved shape. 呈现盘旋状,呈现螺旋状
- To assume a particular color quality. 呈现悦目色调呈现出某种特定的色彩或色调
- To assume a specified form, shape, or pattern. 具有特殊的形态排成一定形式、形状或模式
- The girl assumed a pose for taking a picture. 这女生摆出姿势拍照。
- The response is to assume a supercilious pose to hide a lack of confidence. 其反应是故意采取傲慢的姿态来掩饰自身缺乏自信。
- His concern for the poor is only a pose. 他对穷人的关心只不过是做做样子罢了。
- Used as a command for troops to assume a relaxed position. 用于让队伍呈放松姿势的口令.
- It would be a mistake to assume we've heard the last of this issue. 别以为我们不再过问这事。
- A pose assumed to hide the faults of the mind. 为掩盖脑子缺陷而装出来的一种架势。
- It is logical to assume that they will attend. 按理他们是会出席的。
- Manager Chou tried feebly to assume a stern air."Hung-chien, I told you not to get the wrong idea. 周经理软弱地摆出尊严道:“鸿渐,我告诉你别误会!
- The post holder should be expected to assume a level of responsibility designated by the home manager. 贴吧吧主应该担当管理员规定的一定的职责。
- To assume the shape of a pillow. 当作枕头假定为枕头形状
- When I go around on speaking engagements, they all expect me to assume a Quaker-Oats look. 我应邀外出演讲时,他们都指望我摆出一付毫无表情、一本正经的面孔。
- Everything he says is only a pose. 他所说的一切只是假装而已。
- Two patients were unable to assume a lithotomy position for the conventional cystoscopic procedure. 有两位人因无法架脚或截石姿势以接受传统式的内视镜检查。
- A wimpy approach is not necessary but it can be easy to assume a violation that is too minor to be defend. 不严格的方式并非可取,但那种方式能简单假设那类小规模,不值得保护的侵权。