- As his fief was near seashore,sea salt was easy to be obtained. Liu Bi applied population-in-exile and slaves to boil sea water for making salt and paid them lower commission. 因封地临近海滨,有海盐之利,刘濞便利用流亡人口与奴录,并付给践更卒以佣费,煮海水为盐。
- We can not use sea water for irrigation; the salt will not allow the crops to grow. 我们不用海水来灌溉,因为海水里的盐分阻碍农作物的生长。
- Salt is crystallized from sea water, which is known to be a physical change. 盐是从海水中结晶出来的,这被视为一种物理变化。
- My family had been using a huge kitchen range to boil water for many years before we moved into the new house. 我家曾经使用老虎灶多年,自打搬进新家以后就没再用了。
- This reservoir is used to store water for our town. 这个水库是用来为我们小镇储存水的。
- The situation was about to boil over. 当时的形势几乎到了紧急关头。
- The situation was then about to boil over. 当时形势即将发展到紧急关头。
- Application: CWX Series marine self-priming are applicable to pumping fresh and sea water for drinking washing and sanitary uses in vessles. CWX型自吸式离心旋涡泵适用于船舶装置抽送饮用水洗涤水及卫生用的淡水及海水。
- She doesn't know how to boil an egg. 她不会煮蛋。
- CXZ Series marine self-priming are applicable to pumping fresh and sea water for drinking washing and sanitary uses in vessels. CXZ型自吸式旋涡泵适用于船舶装置抽送饮用水洗涤水及卫生用的淡水及海水。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。
- Bring large pot of salted water to boil. 把加有咸盐的水在一个大锅中煮沸。
- Tempers had begun to boil over and there would be trouble. 大家开始动了肝火,就要吵起来了。
- This machine abstracts salt from sea water . 这台机器能从海水中提炼盐。
- The water is beginning to boil . 水逐渐沸腾起来。
- What is the concentration of salt in sea water? 海水中盐的含量是多少?
- Go and fill this bucket with water for me. 去替我装满一桶水来。
- Retroflexion Yang Chang, put salt of right amount oil to boil feed. 翻转羊肠,放适量油盐煮食。
- This machine abstracts salt from sea water. 这台机器能从海水中提炼盐。
- Elizabeth seems to boil over for the slightest reason these days. 伊丽莎白这几天似乎怒气冲冲,一触即发。