- Tissue culture of aloe leaf 芦荟的叶片组织培养
- Study on browning control of leaf callus inducement in tissue culture of Aloe arborescens Mill. 木立芦荟叶片愈伤组织诱导过程中防褐化的研究。
- Tissue Culture of Aloe vera L. 芦荟的组织培养。
- The Test Report of Tissue Culture of Aloe 芦荟的组织培养试验报告
- Study on Tissue Culture of Aloe saponaria 皂质芦荟的组织培养研究
- Tissue culture of Aloe saponaria 皂质芦荟的组织培养
- Study on tissue culture of Aloe vera 库拉索芦荟组织培养技术研究
- In Vitro Culture of Tetraploids of Aloe vera L. 同源四倍体库拉索芦荟的离体培养。
- Studies on tissue culture and rapid propagation of Aloe vera L. 库拉索芦荟的组织培养和快速繁殖。
- Root Culture of Subsequent Generation Bud of Aloe vera L. 芦荟继代芽生根培养的研究。
- Tissue Culture of Alyssum maritimum(L.) Lam. Alyssum maritimum(L.;) lam
- Studies on Tissue Culture of Wild Rubus L. 野生树莓组织培养技术研究。
- Studies on the Tissue Culture of Abies concolor. 科罗拉多冷杉组织培养技术研究。
- Progress of the Tissue Culture of Pistacia vera L. 阿月浑子组织培养技术研究进展。
- TISSUE CULTURE OF Amygdalus communis L. 巴旦杏的组织培养。
- Raw material: Oil of chrysanthemum of aloe leaf, pleasant, vitaminic E, menthene each are right amount. 原料:芦荟叶、甘菊花、维他命E油、薄荷油各适量。
- The Effect of Light on Tissue Culture of A. Vera L. 光照对美国芦荟组培苗生长的影响。
- Study on Tissue Culture of Achillea alpina L. 蓍草组织培养的研究。
- Study on Tissue Culture of Gasteria spp. 白云卧牛组织培养的研究。