- Time stands utterly still here. 这里的时间是静止的。
- Watching a seagull's flying and time stands still. 看那海鸥翱翔,时间也聚然凝固。
- Santa Caterina was utterly still. 一朵怒放的玫瑰在石板屋顶无声无息,亮光在粗糙的墙壁上闪烁。
- I hardly expected to find you still here. 我简直没想到你还在这里。
- We shall meet again as long as time stands. 青山不改,绿水长流,我们后会有期。
- He remained utterly still, head leaned towards the vaulted ceiling. 他保持着平静,头靠在拱形的天花板上。
- To the best of my knowledge,he's still here. 就我所知,他还在这儿。
- Now she was touching Lucy and time stood still. 现在,她爱抚着露丝,感觉时间停止了。
- You're still here because of Kate. 你还没走是因为凯特的缘故
- "I'm still here sweetheart and I still miss you. “我还在这儿,亲爱的,很想你。
- Their feet on the stones made the only sound. Santa Caterina was utterly still. 四周只有他们踏在石头上所发出的声响,圣卡塔林纳万籁俱寂。
- Hi, Son, your English book is still here. 嗨!儿子,你的书还在这呢!
- So done with wishing you were still here. 多么希望你仍然在这里啊。
- Just the head and hand are still here! 就只有头和手没有走呢!
- On a blind date, the boy said to the girl: "Time stands still when I look into your eyes. 男孩和女孩第一次见面,男孩对女孩说:“当我和你对视的时候,时间都静止了。
- You're still here? Go back to your jungle. 你怎么还在这?回你的丛林去吧。
- These same qualities are still here. 今天的亚洲人民仍具有这些优良特质。
- How is it that you are still here? 你为什么还在这儿?
- Reprise Hanging down from the ceiling ... the old pendulum now rests, Time stands still ... - like iron - ... in the house of the dead. 9报复从天花板倒悬下来。。。这古老的钟摆现在停止。时间静止不动。。。-像铁-。。。在这已死去的房屋中。我们脆弱的灵魂被封印在沉睡和铅制的球中,躺着哭泣不止,
- The lecturers and lecturees are still here. 演讲者和听演讲者仍然在这里。