- Time heals most troubles. 时间会消除痛苦。
- Time heals most troubles 时间会消除痛苦。
- I also have learned that time heals and love grows. 我亦学到时间会治疗一切伤痛,而爱心可以长养。
- Time heals almost everything. Give time, time. 时间几乎能治愈一切,给时间吧!时间!
- Many troubles ensued from this misunderstanding. 由此误会产生了许多麻烦。
- She was oppressed by many troubles. 许多麻烦弄得她心情沉重。
- Time heals grief and quarrels, for we change and are no longer the same person. 我们不能改变一个人的想法,但是时间却是治愈悲伤和怨恨的良药。
- They have hated each other for a long time, but time heals all wounds. 他们彼此仇恨很久了,不过时间会使他们忘记过去的一切。
- Time heals all wounds. 时间能医好一切创伤。
- The old man was visited by many troubles. 许多倒霉的事降临到这位老人头上。
- He was weighted with so many troubles all day. 他整天承受着众多烦恼的压力。
- Most troubles with mechanical system are the result of lubricating failure. 摘要机械系统的故障大多由润滑失效引起。
- Tongues also makes interrupting those heals much easier. 语言诅咒可以轻易的给治疗们造成巨大的麻烦。
- Our many troubles have been saved. 已经省了我们许多麻烦了。
- Patients treated with morphine heal more quickly after surgery. 接受吗啡治疗的患者在手术后痊愈得比较快。
- If so, which will bring out many troubles? 如果一泄密可能就会出很多麻烦?
- "There can be so many decisions of import and then, you know, time heals all wounds. “这个赛季有太多的重要的决定了,但是时间可以治愈所有的伤口。
- She is weighed down with many troubles. 她被许多麻烦事压得透不过气来。
- Repairing it is more trouble than it's worth. 这东西修理起来很麻烦,不值得修。
- Time heals griefs and quarrels,for we change and are no longet the same person. 时间抚平了悲伤和争吵,因为我们都变了,现在的我们不再是原来的我们。