- The study of the Tibetan language is protected by law. 藏语文学习依法得到保障。
- The Spoken and Written Tibetan Language Is Widely Studied and Used. 藏语文得到广泛的学习、使用和发展。
- Xiangba is the transliteration of woodcut from Tibetan language. “祥巴”,藏语音译,意为木刻版画。
- Nyingchi in Tibetan language is “the Throne of the Sun”. 林芝,藏语意为“太阳宝座”,这是西藏最富有的地区之一。
- The Tibetan language is the common language for the whole autonomous region. 藏语言文字是西藏全区通用的语言文字。
- The Tibetan language is the main subject of all schools at different levels. 各级各类学校的藏语文课是学生的主课。
- "Sho" means yoghurt and "ton" means banquet in the Tibetan language. 藏语中"雪"是"酸奶"的意思,"顿"是宴的意思。
- By pressing save the newly introduced language items of 2.4 will be added to your NL_user.php file. 4升级后,您将需要加载的文件后,改变了语言的翻译工具,并按下'保存'。
- Tibetan students are required to read and write the Tibetan language proficiently upon graduation from middle schools. 要求学生在中学毕业时,具有熟练掌握藏语文读写的能力。
- Adopts a thematically structured approach to introduce language items that students have learnt at corresponding levels. 透过不同主题,有系统地介绍学生所属级别的语文重点。
- Cognitive linguistics helps us realize that an easier way for learners to master a language is to master language items in Gestalts. 因此,词典编者必须在调查读者已有知识的基础之上提供后者想进一步了解的信息。
- In 1995 a committee for the standardization of Tibetan terminology was set up to standardize the Tibetan language and normalize social terms. 1995年,西藏成立了藏语文术语统一标准化委员会,开始藏语文统一标准化和社会用语规范化。
- Much headway has been made in the normalization of technical terms and standardization of information technology in the Tibetan language. 藏文专业术语规范化及信息技术标准化工作取得了重大进展。
- Of the books edited and published in the autonomous region, those in the Tibetan language make up 70 percent. 自治区编辑出版的图书中,藏文图书占70%25。
- All the art troupes in Tibet create programs and perform in the Tibetan language. 西藏所有文艺团体都用藏文创作节目,用藏语表演。
- The spoken and written Tibetan language is widely used in every aspect of social life in Tibet. 藏语言文字在西藏社会生活各个方面得到广泛使用。
- Recent studies show that markedness is an essential factor determining the order of second language acquisition,and that learners tend to acquire unmarked language items before marked ones. 语言类型的标记关系是影响第二语言习得顺序的一个重要因素,学习者往往首先习得无标记的语言项目,然后才习得有标记的项目。
- There are altogether 14 magazines and 10 newspapers published in the Tibetan language in Tibet. 据统计,西藏现有藏文杂志14种,藏文报纸10种。
- Of the books edited and published in the autonomous region,those in the Tibetan language make up 70 percent. 自治区编辑出版的图书中,藏文图书占70%25。
- A person wants to make the first-class literary work, other condition does not need to say, only said a language item, he must have the deep tutelage, he must achieve has the speech all to be possible to say the degree which moreover reaches an agreement. 一个人想做出第一流文学作品,别的条件不用说,单说语言一项,他必须有深厚的修养,他必须达到有话都可说出而且说好的程度。