- The Design and Implementation of a Tibetan Word Segmentation System 藏文自动分词系统的设计与实现
- Tibetan word segmentation 藏文分词
- Chinese word segmentation is the basic task in the NLP research. 汉语分词是自然语言处理的首要的基本工作。
- Word segment was a core technology of campus search engine project. 中文分词是校园网搜索引擎项目的一个核心技术。
- Word segmentation is the basis of Chinese information processing (NLP). 自动分词技术是中文信息处理的基础工程。
- Combinatorial ambiguity is a vital issue in Chinese word segmentation. 组合型歧义切分字段一直是汉语自动分词的难点。
- Word Segmentation (WS) is a fundamental task in Chinese Information Processing. 自动分词是中文信息处理的基础课题之一。
- A hybrid approach to word segmentation and pos tagging ACL poster Nakagawa, T. 第一层基于字信息分词;
- TangKa, a transliteration of a Tibetan word, refers to a kind of painting scroll mounted on dyed brocade. 唐卡是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画形式,题材内容涉及藏族的历史、政治、文化和社会生活等诸多领域。
- The basic idea of the restoration method is to re-establish the abbreviated Tibetan word to its original form by the reinstallation rules. 其基本思想是:利用藏文紧缩词的添接规则还原藏文原文,以达到进行分词的目的。
- This has proved that in SLM-CIR model, the technology of the word segmentation is not a key factor of influencing the performance of models. 这就说明了在SLM-CIR模型中,分词技术不是影响模型性能的关键因素。
- The ACL-SIGHAN sponsored the First International Chinese Word Segmentation in July,2003 in Japan. 2003年在日本札幌举行了第一届ACL-SIGHAN国际中文分词竞赛。
- A new word segmentation system based on phraseology is proposed, and the corresponding word segmentation lexicon is designed. 提出了一种基于语词的分词系统 ;设计了相应的分词词典 .
- An automatic and dictionary-free Chinese word segmentation method based on suffix array algorithm is proposed. 摘要提出一种基于后缀数组的无词典分词算法。
- Because of the complexity of Chinese, word segmentation has been a difficult problem of NLP. 但由于汉语自身的复杂性,分词问题一直是中文自然语言处理的难题。
- The disambiguation of combinatorial ambiguities in Chinese word segmentation is still an unsolved problem till now. 汉语组合型切分歧义是汉语自动分词的一个难点。
- The context-sensitive ambiguous structure (CSAS) is one of the difficult problems of the Chinese word segmentation . 上下文相关歧义字段(CSAS)的处理是汉语自动分词中的难题之一。
- In his paper, he discusses the important issue of word segmentation in a new romanisation, with some parallels drawn from pinyin. 他与另一位成员密切合作,驻扎在云南省西部专门研究白族语言十余年;其论文探讨了中国少数民族新创罗马拼音文字的字词切分,以及汉语拼音文字对少数民族语文影响的重要问题。
- Simultaneity,with the flourishing development of WWW and E-journal,the Chinese automatic word segmentation will face a series of formidable challenge. 与此同时,随着WWW的蓬勃兴起以及电子出版物的大行其道,对汉语自动分词研究又提出了一系列新的课题。
- Contrary to character labeling, CRF-based Omni-segmentation Chinese word segmentation approach can easily use the knowledge of the lexicons and domain. 本文使用了单词的词形和词性信息等领域信息作为特征,构建条件随机场的分词模型。