- Tibetan marriage customs 藏族婚姻习俗
- Meizhou area is how the marriage customs? 梅州地区的嫁娶习俗是如何的?
- This marriage custom has fallen out of practice. 这个婚俗已经不兴了。
- In Wuyi region, there used to be some peculiar marriage customs like afterlife marriage or death weddings. 摘要五邑侨乡传统婚俗中,“自梳女”、“公鸡拜”以及“守切婚”和“冥婚”等,都是被扭曲的婚俗。
- This is the Shanfanjiujian, from the frugal new marriage customs, as is a new wind. 这便是删繁就简、婚事从俭的新俗,是一种新风象。
- However, the change of Tujia appellation is closely related to the marriage custom and people a cultural quality. 土家族称谓的变化则与婚制习俗、开放和文化素质的提高相关联。
- Marriage custom is one of the social customs and habits that can best embody the lifestye and special cultural quality of one place. 摘要婚姻习俗是最能体现一个地方风情面貌和文化特质的社会习俗之一。
- Or marriage when he gave a plum Closionne rings. 10 pieces of money, then the home economy very tense, and at Village Lane, a marriage customs were only spent less than 100 yuan. 还是结婚的时候他送给梅子的一个景泰蓝戒指。10块钱买的,那时候家里经济挺紧张的, 又是在山村里,结个婚一共才花了不到100元。
- Analyzing from the objects which law apply to, the conflicts between minority marriage custom and national marriage law have the attribute of law conflict of interpersonal. 从法律适用的对象上分析,少数民族婚姻习惯法与国家制定的婚姻习惯法之间的冲突,具有人际法律冲突的属性;
- Great effort was made to publicize and implement the Marriage Law,which made it possible to destroy the superstitious marriage system, eliminate the undesirble marriage customs and thereafter establish the new and democratic marriage system. 经过大力宣传贯彻《婚姻法》,摧毁了封建婚姻制度,清除了婚姻陋俗,建立起了新民主主义的婚姻制度。
- After the study of the kinsfolk appellation system recorded in Mourning Apparel in Ceremonial Etiquette , we can find a great many traces related to the marriage customs of remote past or the family forms of that age. 通过它所记录下来的亲属称谓制度 ,如“舅”、“姑” ,从父、从母 ,“女至”与“昆弟之子” ,“女弟”、“女以”等 ,可以发现许多与之相应的上古婚姻遗俗或上古姻缘形式的遗迹
- The number growth of aristocrats is attributed to the generous conferment of the King, but the prudent, or even stingy, conferment policy, unfavorable factor of population, marriage customs, and the primogeniture limit the scale enlargement. 贵族数量的上升得益于国王的慷慨封赐,而谨慎乃至吝啬的封爵政策、不利的人口因素、婚姻习俗和长子继承制则限制了贵族规模的扩大。
- China is a large country with 56 nationalities. Different nationalities have different marriage customs, but whatever the nationality is, the wedding ceremony is usually very complicated. 中国是一个有56个民族的大国。不同的民族有不同的婚俗。但无论是哪个民族,结婚仪式都很复杂。
- Though the marriage decorum and customs have the negative factors, but its positive significance is noticeable, which has the profound influence on the later marriage customs and culture development. 周代婚姻礼俗虽然有消极的因素存在,但其积极意义亦是不可忽视的,对后世婚姻礼俗产生了深远的影响。
- Start with its engagement, marriage, divorce, and remarriage, it anatomises the whole process of the Daur marriage custom and the change after release, reflecting the Daur lively nationals characteristic. 从其订婚、结婚、离婚、再醮入手,深入浅出地剖析了达斡尔族婚姻习俗的全过程以及解放后的变化,体现了达斡族鲜明的民族特色。
- During the Warring States Period, the merging of nationalities made the marriage and ethical ideas of the Huaxia nationality rise again, promoting the disappearance of levirate marriage custom. 战国时期,民族融合的进行使华夏族的婚姻家庭伦理观念重新高扬,从而促进了收继婚俗消亡。
- The author analyzes the betrothal gifts from folklore, and points out that the sheep and wine in marriage custom expressed good blessing and desire of the people, and some magic meaning as well. 从民俗学的角度看,“羊”“酒”在婚嫁聘礼中功用是:“羊者,祥也,群而不党”;“酒”者,“久”也。都表达了人们对美好婚姻的祝福和愿望,同时也寓有一定的巫术意义。
- A happy marriage depends largely on give and take. 美满的婚姻在很大程度上取决于互敬互让。
- We were bowled over by the news of her marriage. 我们听到她结婚的消息大为惊讶。
- The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop. 他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。