- In Yemen Marib-Shabra Basin was the main oil-gas bearing basin with abundance oil resources. 马里卜-夏布瓦盆地是也门的主要含油气盆地,石油资源丰富。
- Abstract There is coalseam methane in coalbed and coal bearing sequences in the study area. 在煤层和煤系地层中,产生并赋存着煤层气。
- The genesis of Shuicaozi Cu deposit has a close relation with the coal bearing clastic rock formation of lacustrine bog facies. 水槽子铜矿的成因与湖泊沼泽相含煤碎屑岩建造紧密相关,多个呈似层状、透镜状的矿体,均赋存于该沉积序列中。
- Triassic basin is the main oil and gas bearing basin in Algeria, with excellent geologic conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation.The main source rock is Lower Silurian shale. 摘要三叠盆地是阿尔及利亚的主要含油气盆地,油气成藏地质条件优越,主要烃源岩为下志留统页岩。
- Diabase is widespread on the northern slope of the Gaoyou sag.The intrusion of diabase into the oil and gas bearing basin may change the environment of oil and gas formation. 苏北盆地高邮凹陷北斜坡辉绿岩普遍发育,辉绿岩侵入到含油气盆地可以改变油气的成藏环境。
- At the same time, coal bearing series strata in upper Paleozoic distributes within all basins, so coal-genetic gas is also abound.In order to reali... 因此,为实现大港油田天然气生产的良性循环,应坚持科技创新和油气并举的原则,加快对黄骅坳陷天然气新领域的勘探步伐,加快气田(藏)的高效开发和老区的滚动挖潜。
- Paper has systematic summarized the characters of the Tertiary coal bearing strata of N.E.China Region,genetic types of coal,lithotype of coal,metamorphism and its rules. 系统总结了东北地区第三纪含煤地层特征、煤的成因类型、煤岩特征、变质作用及其规律。
- The authors comprehensively analyzed the geological background and the epositional characteristics of the Late Permian coal bearing strata in Laochang coalfield,eastern Yunnan. 通过对滇东老厂煤田形成的地质背景和晚二叠世含煤地层沉积特征的综合分析,剖析了典型的潮坪聚煤环境和三角洲聚煤环境及其成煤作用。
- This paper discussed the evolvement characteristics of sand bodies of the fourth coal bearing interval and its influence on No. 13-1 coal-seam thickness in Huainan coal field. 摘要讨论了淮南煤田第四含煤段砂体的演化特征及其对13-1煤层厚度的影响。
- Dongpu depression, a oil-gas bearing basin, is situated in the southwest Bohaiwan basin.Puwei sag is a subunit that is tectonically located in the north central upheave of Dongpu depression. 东濮凹陷是渤海湾西南部的一个含油气盆地,濮卫洼陷构造位置上处于东濮凹陷中央隆起带北部,为一负向次级构造单元。
- The Yanqi Basin formed in Mesozoic and Cenozoic,is a hydrocarbon bearing basin,which has not only an imbricate,back,ramp thrust structural styles,but also a wrench structural style and so on. 焉耆盆地是一个中新生带含油气盆地,盆地内不仅存在叠瓦式、背冲式、对冲式等挤压构造样式,还存在扭动构造样式;
- The Ordos basin is a multi-gyration,oil-gas bearing basin, whose subsidence is stable, depression is various and twist is distinct.The basin is a large terrestrial lake during the late Trias. 鄂尔多斯盆地,是一个稳定沉降、坳陷迁移、扭动明显的多旋回沉积型克拉通类含油气叠合盆地。
- Abstract The Haikou Formation of Middle Devonian in Luquan contains coal bearing sediments (predominantly clastic rocks)which are of littoral origin and yield abundant fishes, fossil plants and pelecypods. 云南禄劝中泥盆世海口组为以碎屑岩为主的滨海相含煤沉积,地层中产有丰富的鱼类、植物和双壳类化石;
- This paper divides the Paleozoic - Middle-Upper Proterozoic marine basins into the closed bearing basin type and open relief basin type. 本文把古生界一中、上元古界海相盆地分为封闭型承压盆地和开启型泄压盆地两大类型。
- Tarim Basin or Tianshan mountain. 塔里木盆地北边的山,还是天山。
- As one of the subtle reservoirs, fractured shale reservoirs have been discovered in hydrocarbon bearing basins at home and abroad . 泥岩裂缝油气藏作为隐蔽油气藏的一种,在国内外含油气盆地中都有发现。
- A giant belt for oil and natural gas accumulation in the world is the Tethys?tectonic domain where some of the well?known largest oil bearing basins are situated, such as the Persian Golf Basin, the Northern Caucasus Oil Bearing Area and the Surt Basin. 世界特提斯构造域是一个巨大的油气富集带,分布着世界上一些著名的特大含油气盆地,如波斯湾盆地、北高加索油区、苏尔特盆地等。
- We need to replenish our stocks of coal. 我们需要再次补充煤的储备。
- She piled on more coal before the fire go out. 在火熄灭之前她又加上些煤。