- Those red flowers are roses. 那些红色的花是玫瑰。
- The green leaves are fresh but the red flowers are fading! 应是绿肥红瘦。
- What are those small red flowers sprouting up in the branches? 枝头上那些含苞欲放的红色小花是什么花?
- What big and pretty flowers they are! They must be roses. 多麽大而漂亮的花儿啊!它们一定是玫瑰花。
- We are not far from those red pines. 我们离赤松林不远了。
- These flowers are a small token of my gratitude. 谨以此花聊表谢忱。
- Do you see those red, white and yellow roses blooming by the fountain? 你看见在喷泉旁那些含苞怒放的红、白、黄色玫瑰花吗?
- Flowers are blooming in a riot of color. 百花齐放,万紫千红。
- Do you see those red,white and yellow roses blooming by the fountain? 你看见在喷泉旁那些含苞怒放的红、白、黄色玫瑰花吗?
- A red flower needs to be set off by green leaves. 红花还需绿叶扶。
- Moses supposes his toeses are roses. 摩西假设他的脚趾是玫瑰。
- Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine. 塑料花是我特别厌恶的东西。
- The flowers are blooming everywhere. 鲜花到处盛开。
- The flowers are no longer obtainable. 那花再也得不到了。
- There are roses and daisies in the vase. 花瓶里有玫瑰和雏菊。
- Hundreds of flowers are blooming in profusion. 百花怒放。
- These flowers are very rare in this country. 这些花在该国很少见。
- All those red hots need a victim. 所有的那些走运的家伙都需要一个替罪羊。
- The spring flowers are rather forward this year. 今年春天的花儿开得相当早。
- Tomorrow, look for those red dewy patches. 晓看红湿处