- Those customs are fading away. 那些风俗习惯正在逐渐废弃。
- The enemy still seemed to be fading away. 敌人好似依然节节败退。
- Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away. 达成协议的希望看来已逐渐渺茫。
- The last of evening light was fading away. 傍晚最后一抹亮光消失了。
- The profile of the distant mountains are fading away as we are boating eastwards. 当我们朝东划去时,远山的轮廓正渐渐淡去。
- Today, although even such traces of the ancient road are fading away, its cultural and historic values remain. 时至今日,即使这条古道的踪迹消失了,但其文化和历史意义依然存在。
- First, the enthusiasm of the participants has been fading away. 一、角友们的热情渐渐淡了下去。
- They were busily engaged in gathering chest nuts,till the last rays of the setting sun were fading away. 他们忙于采集栗子,一直到日落以后。
- They were busily engaged in gathering chest nuts, till the last rays of the setting sun were fading away. 他们忙于采集栗子,一直到日落以后。
- We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was fading away. 不像摩西将帕子蒙在脸上,叫以色列人不能定睛看到那将废者的结局。
- Nowadays, many old customs are gradually dying out. 当今,许多旧风俗正在逐渐消亡。
- On Wall Street, those customers are known as “counterparties,” and Mr.Liddy wouldn’t provide details on who the counterparties were or how much they received. 在华尔街,这些客户被称为“交易对手“,李迪先生不会透露有关这些交易对手是谁或者这些交易对手收到了多少平仓资金的详细资料。
- He often travels to his old customer's homes to cut their hair and have a chat, but these customers are slowing fading away and the ancient barber grows lonelier along with their passing. 八十多年来,敬大爷日复一日,清早出门为熟客老友理发刮面,天南地北閒话家常。但眼见身边老友逐一离世或搬走,敬大爷不禁感到孤清,日子顿觉虚空。
- Although the Five Dynasties saw no extra-ordinarily famous writer or works, parallel prose with its splendent achievements in history, had not been fade away in this dynasty. 摘要骈文在五代十国时期,虽然未出现大家名作,但作为一种积年发展,并曾经有过辉煌历史的文体在此时期并未消逝。
- She was fading away and died. 她日渐衰弱,最后离开人世。
- Traditional customs are falling into disuse. 老习惯正在破除。
- The roses were fading away. 玫瑰花正在凋谢。
- The old stereotypes are beginning to fade away. 这种古老模式正在慢慢消失。
- Many old customs are gradually dying out. 许多旧习俗都在日渐消失中。
- Such customs are widely accepted. 这样的风俗是被普遍认同的