- Those bullies beat him up. 那些混混痛打了他一顿。
- The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up. 这九个人围住地十个人,揍了他一顿。
- He pissed me off so bad that I want to beat him up! 他把我气得恨不得打他一顿。
- They robbed the old man and beat him up. 他们抢了那老人的东西,还把他殴打了一顿。
- This so angered us that we beat him up. 这使我们气愤得把他痛打了一顿。
- The bandits robbed the old man and beat him up. 歹徒抢劫了老人并将他毒打一顿。
- The boys robbed the old man and beat him up. 那些少年抢劫了那老人,并把他打成重伤。
- The bandits not only took his money but beat him up badly. 匪徒不仅抢了他的钱,还把他毒打了一顿。
- Thugs beat him up when he walked down the street late at night. 晚上,他在大街上走的时候被暴徒痛打了一顿。
- If anyone made any more snide remarks he would beat him up. 假若他们之中有敢再说闲话的,揍!
- It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies. 她挺身反抗那些恃强欺弱的人,真勇敢。
- A: Somebody was saying stuff about me, so I beat him up. 有人在说我的坏话,所以我揍他一顿。
- They not only robbed the man of his money, but beat him up. 他们不仅抢了那人的钱,而且还把他毒打了一顿。
- The thieves not only took his money but beat him up badly. 盗贼不仅拿了他的钱,还痛打他一顿。
- It was brave of her to stood up to those bullies. 反抗那些恃强凌弱的人,真勇敢。
- Mr Green paid Mr Smith in kind for beating him up badly. 格林先生痛打了史密斯先生作为史密斯痛打他的回报。
- Okay, but some older boys beat him up the other day, He wasn't hurt badly though. 还好,但一些大点的男孩几天前痛打了他,但他伤的不太厉害。
- It was brave of her to standupto those bullies. 她挺身反抗那些恃强欺弱的人,真勇敢。
- Thugs beat him up when he walked down the street late at night; The teacher used to beat the students. 晚上他在大街上走的时候被暴徒痛打了一顿。
- When the landowner sends another worker to collect the harvest, the workers in the vineyard beat him up, sending him away, bleeding and empty-handed. 当园主派遣另外一位工人去收获时,园里的恶工人却鞭打他,迫使他空手、流血的离去。