- Those apples are rotten. 那些苹果烂了。
- Some of the apples are rotten to the core. 有些苹果已经烂透了。
- These two apples are rotten, but the others are all good. 这两个苹果烂了,可是其的都是好的。
- I picked up those apples,thereinto some apples are contused seriously. 我拣起那些苹果,其中有一些碰伤得很厉害。
- Half of the apples are rotten. 苹果中有半数是烂的。
- Most of the apples were rotten. 大部分的苹果都是烂的.
- How much are those apples a dozen? 那些苹果一打多少钱?
- How much are those apples at the back? 后边那些苹果什么价钱?
- The apples are five cents apiece. 这些苹果5美分一个。
- These apples are not ripe; they are sour. 这些苹果不熟,是酸的。
- Ripe apples are beginning to fall off the trees. 成熟的苹果开始从树上落下来了。
- These apples are two dimes apiece. 这些苹果两角钱一只。
- These apples are inferior in flavour to those. 这些苹果的味道不如那些。
- This place has an odious smell; something must be rotten. 这个地方有一股臭味,一定有东西腐烂了。
- It will serve you right if you get stomach ache after eating all those apples. 如果你把那些苹果都吃掉后胃痛的话,那是你应得的报应。
- Your opinions of people are rotten. 你看人的本领太差劲儿了。
- He ate every one of those apples. 他把那些苹果一个个都吃完了。
- The man's morals are rotten to the core. 这个人的品行坏透了。
- She cries in pain because her gums are rotten. 她牙花子都烂了,疼得直叫救命。
- Be rotten to the core I prefer this to that. 我宁愿要这个,不要那个。