- Thomas Aquinas includes a discussion in the Summa. 托马斯阿奎那包括在神学的讨论。
- St. Thomas Aquinas The end of every maker is himself. 圣托马斯·亚奎那每个创造者的末日就是他自己。
- In this paper, we intend to sort out these important metaphysical ideas through scholasticism (especially Thomas Aquinas's). 本文主要以西洋士林哲学(尤其是多玛斯)来整理这些重要的形上学观念。
- Thomas Aquinas and Siger de Brabant were enemies in the famous debate, yet Dante Alighieri arranges their meeting in the Heaven. 阿奎那与西基尔在论战中不共戴天,但丁却让二人在天堂相聚,意图何在?
- In dimensions of ideology and economy,the general features of Thomas Aquinas? literary theories are drawn out. 然后再从意识形态和经济思想两个维度 ,比较研究了托马斯·阿奎那文艺思想的总特征。
- According to Thomas Aquinas, the law of nature is a bridge that connects human-law and eternal law. 在托马斯·阿奎那这里,自然法如同一座桥梁,其一端架在人定法的这一边,另一端则植基于永恒法的彼岸。
- Based on his idea of the modification of early natural law, Thomas Aquinas established his social ideas. 托马斯·阿奎那在修改早期自然法的基础上,确立了自己的社会思想。
- The article deals briefly with the doctrine of Thomas Aquinas on the Divine Law and its relationship with Natural Law. 摘要本文简要地论述了阿奎那关于神法及其与自然法的关系的学说。
- Thomas Aquinas, one of history's foremost experts on angels, stated that all people have guardian angels. 他们一生中都与他在一起,甚至是有罪的时候,也站在他的那一边。
- Thomas Aquinas that abolishing it would create disorder in the community and that “even a palace needs sewers”. 他的观点认为,废除卖淫将在社会造成混乱,而且“甚至一座宫殿也需要下水道”。
- Taking a stand as a theologian and spokesman of theocracy, Thomas Aquinas argued on some important socioeconomic issues. 托马斯·阿奎那站在神学家和神权政治代言人的立场上,讨论了若干重要的社会经济问题。
- Thomas Aquinas epitomized the overall medieval aesthetics thought, who exerted important influence on the development of western modern aesthetics. 摘要托马斯?阿奎那是中世纪美学思想的集大成者,对西方近现代美学思想发展也有重大影响。
- The three factors advanced by Thomas Aquinas, the aesthete of the Middle Ages wields immense influence on the western aesthetic history. 中世纪美学家托马斯·阿奎那提出的美的三要素说在西方美学史上产生了重大影响。
- But it was Thomas Aquinas and his sequelae that protruded and systemized the theory of analogy in philosophy and theology. 但是,使类比问题在神学和哲学中的核心地位凸显出来,并得到系统化的创新发展,却是汤玛斯及其后继者的成就。
- It is historically significant to attempt an analysis of the historical background, the detailed content and the contributions made by Thomas Aquinas. 分析这一理论产生的历史背景和具体内容,阐述托马斯·阿奎那对美学的贡献,无疑地具有重要的史学意义。
- Ralph McInerny, Ethica Thomistica: The Moral Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, The Catholic University Press(Washington, D.C.), 1997, p. 61. 关于意志的自愿性与意志自由的区别,请参见注18;关于托马斯与亚里士多德的关系的简略讨论,请参阅结语。
- End of story? Not quite. A few months after father died, my husband and son were preparing to attend a retreat at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona,Minnesota. 故事到此结束了吗?远不止此!在我父亲去世几个月之后,我丈夫和儿子都准备要到明尼苏达州的威诺纳市圣托马斯·阿奎那神学院的疗养所去。
- At the same time, this article also points out that in the thought of Thomas Aquinas, it is different between praxis and production, because of the difference of the followed principle. 同时,本文也指出在托马斯?阿奎那的思想中,实践与制作也不可以等同,即,作为伦理行为的实践与作为机械工艺的制作所遵循的原则是不同的。
- This article tries to give an overall analysis of the theory of truth in Thomas Aquinas? philosophy in the theological philosophical perspective, and points out its sharp feature to combine the truth of belief with the truth of cognition. 文章试图从神学哲学的双重角度全面分析托马斯哲学的真理论 ,指出其具有信仰真理和认识真理相辅相成的鲜明特征。
- Thomas Aquinas summarized the form ideas of ancient Greek and Middle Ages, and made a systematic exposition on the three elements of aesthetics (integrity, proportion and splendor). 托马斯·阿奎那总结了古代和中世纪的形式观念,以亚里士多德的形式观念为基础,阐述了美的三要素(完整、比例、鲜明)说;