- This dog must be a stray. 这只狗一定是找不著家了。
- A dog must be a champion to enter Westminster. 只有获得过冠军的犬才能加入西敏寺。
- This dog must is a stray. 这只狗一定是找不着家了.
- This book on English history must be a stray; It's on the dictionary shelf in the library. 这本英国史肯定是放错了,竟在图书馆的词典书架上。
- That dog must be hurt he's limping. 那条狗准是受了伤--一拐一拐的。
- This answer must be a crib: it's exactly the same as Jones's. 这个答案可能是抄袭来的,跟琼斯的答案一模一样。
- This must be a silk rug, it looks so gorgeous. 这种是丝毯吧?它看上去真是华丽极了。
- I guess ignorance must be a sin. 我认为无知是一种罪。
- The leader must be a person of authority. 领袖必须是有权威的人。
- And you must be a big dog to survive. 而且你得真的很强势才能生存下去。
- I don't want to give this dog away, because it was a gift. 这只狗我不想送人,因为它是别人给我的礼物。
- All dogs must be kept on a leash in public places. 在公共场所所有的狗必须用皮带牵住。
- Dogs must be kept on a lead in the park. 狗在公园里必须系着牵狗带。
- Wow,this is a bright kid! He must be a genius! 哇!这孩子真聪明!一定是天才!
- A judge of the dog show must be a fair man. 狗展的评判员必须是一位公正的人。
- You must be a saint to be able to stand his temper! 能受得了他的脾气,一定得非常有涵养!
- There must be a break in the circuit. 电路中一定有断路。
- There must be a catch to that last question. 最後那个问题里面一定有圈套。
- How many feeds a day does this dog get? 这只狗每天吃几顿?
- Judging by her accent, she must be a Southerner. 从她的口音判断,她准是南方人。